"普什图语" 共找到影视: 25 部



  Between 2020 and 2021 all media and public opinion were focused on the international health crisis. In Fernetti, at an internal EU border between Italy and Slovenia a few kilometres from Trieste, migrants who managed to cross the border were stopped by Italian law enforcement and sent back, without being identified and without the option of applying for international protection...

一个民族的声音:我在阿富汗的旅途 2


  Jawed Taiman takes a distinct look at Afghanistan and lets the Afghan people have their say. En route through the different provinces, through urban and rural regions, in discussion with intellectuals and simple folk, politicians and Taliban fighters a multifaceted picture emerges of a country that is often portrayed as incomprehensible.

妈啊!我在… 9


  • 最新更新


莫特利的法律 8


  《莫特利的法律》拍摄于2013年至2014年,主角是金伯利·莫特利(Kimberly Motley),她是第一位也是唯一一位在阿富汗法庭处理案件的西方律师,也是唯一一位担任这一职务的女性。丹麦导演尼科尔·尼尔森·霍拉尼执导了这部纪录片,《综艺》(Variety)杂志评价道,她找到了一个强有力的人物角色,“这一角色使用了冷峻但真实的讲话方式。”

献给贝娜齐尔的三首歌 7



阿富汗字母 9


  Post September 11, Mohsen Makhmalbaf tracks the children who do not attend school in the border villages between Iran and Afghanistan with his digital camera and questions why they are not being educated. He finds girls studying in UNICEF classes in one region. One of the girls is not willing to come out of her burqa despite the fact that she has run away from Afghanistan and t...

阿富汗夜间故事 4


一棵胡桃树 7



无人机嗡鸣 10


  DRONE is a documentary about the covert CIA drone war. Through voices on both sides of this new technology, DRONE reveals crucial information about the drone war in Pakistan and offers unique insights into the nature of drone warfare.

告诉春天别再来 1


  Tell Spring Not to Come This Year follows three soldiers from the Afghan National Army (ANA) over the course of their first year fighting without NATO support, and tells the intimate stories of their lives as they inherit the legacy of over a decade of foreign intervention. It is a film about the human side of combat, told from a largely unheard and misrepresented perspective, ...

工人炼狱 4


  这是一部世纪性的工人诗篇。这个惊人和沉重的旅程, 展示来自五个不同国家民工的骄傲。整个摄制过程均以近距离和个人化去记录困境中的活动。这纪录片的导演米高·格拉胡格(Michael Glawogger) 成功创造出这些令人对民工肃然起敬的影像, 就算是面对死亡风险他们仍然保留住生存的意志。电影中的一些情节可能引起一些国家的回响。

血战沙漠 7


  • 已完结
  • 2008  

  2001年11月,阿富汗加兹尼省。一支来自美国的特种部队小分队与CIA探员本杰明·凯恩斯(乔纳斯·鲍尔 Jonas Ball 饰)在此碰头,他们要在当地寻找一个名叫莫罕默德阿班的男人。在线人阿布尔(Chems-Eddine Zinoune 饰)的引导下,他们来到据说莫罕默德藏身的山区。这里流传着恐怖的传说,在半个多世纪前英国就曾有一支上万人的部队在此地凭空消失。从特种队员踏入这片陌生领域的那一刻起,恐怖离奇的事件便如影随形。队员们接连失踪,他们仿佛走入一条通往黑暗世界的不归之路……

你不能对安拉有所隐瞒 6


  Mr. Ihsan Khan was a taxi cab driver in Washington DC for over 20 years. Then he won a fortune in a lottery and decided to return to his hometown in Pakistan to run for mayor. Naturally, he won—but soon after a massive earthquake devasted the region. This film tells his story, and asks: what is the relation between money and politics in a democracy

Sangeen 7
