"达里语" 共找到影视: 18 部

赤脚前往赫拉特 8


  Majid Majidi's emotional journey in the refugees camps of Afghanistan before and after the Taliban.

一个民族的声音:我在阿富汗的旅途 2


  Jawed Taiman takes a distinct look at Afghanistan and lets the Afghan people have their say. En route through the different provinces, through urban and rural regions, in discussion with intellectuals and simple folk, politicians and Taliban fighters a multifaceted picture emerges of a country that is often portrayed as incomprehensible.

我的童年,我的国家——阿富汗的20年 4


  In 2014, director Richard Linklater released Boyhood, a fictional coming-of-age saga that was filmed using the same cast across twelve years. This film mirrors that concept: creating a real-life epic of boyhood and manhood that follows the same individual over 20 years, living in one of the most dangerous countries in the world. When we first meet Mir, he is a mischievous boy o...

阳光普照之处 4


  萨贾德和阿丽沙作为业余的滑雪选手,通过在家乡巴米扬山区进行的不懈努力,终于在冬季奥运会上代表阿富汗参加滑雪比赛。 当地的孩子将他们视为偶像,并把木头绑在脚上并模仿他们滑雪的样子。在这个世代只经历过战争的国家里,这些人正勇敢的面对困难,创造新的美好生活。影片花费四年时间拍摄,描绘了令人振奋和令人耳目一新的阿富汗景象。

女孩的战地滑板课 5



阿富汗字母 9


  Post September 11, Mohsen Makhmalbaf tracks the children who do not attend school in the border villages between Iran and Afghanistan with his digital camera and questions why they are not being educated. He finds girls studying in UNICEF classes in one region. One of the girls is not willing to come out of her burqa despite the fact that she has run away from Afghanistan and t...

国鸟 8


  ‘This is not science fiction’, says a commercial inviting young people to join the US Air Force. Indeed it is anything but a utopian vision when drones targeting humans in Afghanistan and other countries are operated from a safe distance. National Bird describes the dramatic experiences of three former Air Force analysts who have decided to break their silence about the secret ...

胶卷救援任务 6



告诉春天别再来 1


  Tell Spring Not to Come This Year follows three soldiers from the Afghan National Army (ANA) over the course of their first year fighting without NATO support, and tells the intimate stories of their lives as they inherit the legacy of over a decade of foreign intervention. It is a film about the human side of combat, told from a largely unheard and misrepresented perspective, ...

狗狗昨夜无法安睡 7


  In a remote area in Afghanistan, stories of the lives of a young shepherdess, a bridcatcher boy and a mourning teacher are intertwined by the wounds of war which are still bleeding.

Kabullywood 5


罗娜,阿齐姆的母亲 8


第一天 1


  Inspired by a true story, an Afghan-American woman on the heels of a divorce joins the US Military as an interpreter. On her first day of deployment in Afghanistan, her unit searches out the remote house of a bomb-maker. When the bomb-maker's pregnant wife goes into labor, the interpreter must go beyond the call of duty to deliver her breech child.

乌托邦 4



追风筝的人 4


  • 已完结
  • 2007  

  2000年美国加利福利亚,知名作家阿富汗人Amir(Khalid Abdalla 饰)接到一个电话,将他带回了童年的岁月……
  1978年阿富汗喀布尔,Amir(Zekiria Ebrahimi 饰)是富家少爷,仆人Ali的儿子Hassan(Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada 饰)是 他忠实的跟班与玩伴。二人参加了一场传统的斗风筝比赛,Amir经历了终身难忘的事情,两人的命运随之改变:Ali和Hassan离开了Amir家,音信全无;随着阿富汗战争的爆发,Amir和父亲移民到美国,过上了新的生活。
  电话是父亲的老朋友Rahim(KhanShaun Toub 饰)打来的,希望Amir能够到阿富汗去找Hassan的儿子Sohrab (Ali Danish Bakhty Ari 饰),等待Amir的,除了满目疮痍的家乡、不堪回首的往事,还有难以启齿的...