"达里语" 共找到影视: 18 部

土地与尘埃 9


  • 电影解说
  • 2004  

  20世纪80年代,中亚国家阿富汗陷入连绵的战火之中。国家饱受摧残,人民流离失所。无情的轰炸摧毁了老人达斯塔戈(阿卜·拉贾尼 Abdul Ghani 饰)所在的村庄和家园,他的亲人几乎全部遇难,只有5岁的孙子亚辛(贾温·马德·何马翁 Jawan Mard Homayoun 饰)幸免于难,却也被爆炸声震聋了双耳。老人强忍着悲痛,带着孙子前往远方的矿区寻找儿子,要告诉他家中所遭遇的厄运。死者长已矣,生者却仍要在漫漫长路上奔波劳顿……
  本片根据导演阿提克·拉希米(Atiq Rahimi)的同名小说改编,并荣获2004年斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发国际电影节最佳导演奖和评委会奖、2004年戛纳电影节Regard Original奖、2004年根特港国际电影节最佳导演奖、2005年比利时法兰德斯国际影展银刺奖、第六届印度亚洲电影节最佳影片和最佳男主角奖(Abdul Gh...

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  11-year-old Emma and Yasra fight to become Hollywood stars. They practice song and dance, read tabloids, and have set up a budget to reach their goal in a portrayal of not being seen, which is both humorous and moving at the same time.

Nasim 10


  For eight months, Ole Jacobs’s and Arne Büttner’s film team followed the Afghan Nasim and her family in the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, where at times 20,000 people had to live in a space designed for less than 3,000 people. This documentary observation shows with great empathy the daily life of the mother of two who time and again manages to deal impressi...