"约鲁巴语" 共找到影视: 19 部

Projekt 4


  A brief historical summary to begin with: The Lagos International Trade Fair centre was built in the mid-1970s, intended to serve as a marketplace for the non-aligned states. Archival footage and inserts alternate abruptly. While the news images of the time are rather propagandistic in tone, the inserts supply the sober facts.
  Some fifty years later, vast tracts of the exhibiti...

浑水之上 9


  Three Nigerian men are scattered across the globe after escaping homophobic violence.

ForMariaEbunPataki 6


  After a complicated child delivery, Derin finds herself at odds with life and loved ones, including her newborn, Maria. Her bewildered mother-in-law insists that she is not a good enough parent. Her increasingly worried husband Afolabi watches from the sidelines.
  Made in a compelling art-house style, For Maria Ebun Pataki confronts the realities of postpartum depression.

TheGhostandtheHouseofTruth 7


  Set in Lagos, Nigeria, the film follows Bola Ogun, a dedicated counselor who brokers reconciliation sessions between convicts and their victims. When her own daughter is murdered, she too must confront what it means to forgive. The film is notable for the spellbinding performance of BAFTA Breakthrough Brit Susan Wokoma as Bola, and award-winning Nigerian actress Kate Henshaw as...

crazybeatsstrongeverytime 5



铁骨一代 7


  Open City Documentary Festival 2023
  Once a week, students from the University of Ibadan meet to watch, reflect, and discuss films. The film club has become a safe space to screen works centred around intersectionality, feminism, and politics from directors like Med Hondo to John Akomfrah, whilst leaving space for spirited debates and critical thinking. This youthful collective ...

当农场燃烧时 5



工人炼狱 4


  这是一部世纪性的工人诗篇。这个惊人和沉重的旅程, 展示来自五个不同国家民工的骄傲。整个摄制过程均以近距离和个人化去记录困境中的活动。这纪录片的导演米高·格拉胡格(Michael Glawogger) 成功创造出这些令人对民工肃然起敬的影像, 就算是面对死亡风险他们仍然保留住生存的意志。电影中的一些情节可能引起一些国家的回响。

快活四侠:真正的约鲁巴恶魔 6


  四个富有的男人(快乐的男人)引诱有权势的女人 从政治精英那里得到合同 从富人那里偷东西,给穷人 和城里最性感的女人发生性关系 他们面临着前所未有的挑战 因为他们与一位声名狼藉、腐败的政客对抗 后者计划拆除一个村庄 建造一座购物中心 这四个人计划拯救村里的穷人

Entitled 7


  All immigrants are conquerors. This fantasy documentary re-imagines one woman's first generation immigrant experience.

Egun 4


CountryHard 6


  A hyperlink crime-drama that explores a day in the lives of seven strangers as their paths interconnect in a way that may alter their lives forever.

艾贡贡舞会 6


  A woman returns to her hometown of Lagos in search of healing. What she discovers instead is a path that takes her into her past and toward a new understanding of the people and experiences that shaped her.

味 1

  越南导演Le Bao将执导首部剧情长片[尝](Taste,暂译)。影片讲述一名尼日利亚足球运动员在越南踢球养家,后来他的腿断了,不得不寻找其他收入来源。于是他前往一所废弃的房子,和四个中年女性朋友一起住了三天。Wild Bunch将本片描述为“具有毕赣和阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古的富有宗教幻觉的传统”。

暗夜旅程 2

