"伊博语" 共找到影视: 11 部

Projekt 4


  A brief historical summary to begin with: The Lagos International Trade Fair centre was built in the mid-1970s, intended to serve as a marketplace for the non-aligned states. Archival footage and inserts alternate abruptly. While the news images of the time are rather propagandistic in tone, the inserts supply the sober facts.
  Some fifty years later, vast tracts of the exhibiti...

禁止调头 2


  As a young man, Ike Nnaebue tried to flee to Europe. Twenty years later, he retraces the steps of his journey back then to find out what motivates young people today to expose themselves to the dangers of a passage into an uncertain future.

不香的港,是非的洲 1



工人炼狱 4


  这是一部世纪性的工人诗篇。这个惊人和沉重的旅程, 展示来自五个不同国家民工的骄傲。整个摄制过程均以近距离和个人化去记录困境中的活动。这纪录片的导演米高·格拉胡格(Michael Glawogger) 成功创造出这些令人对民工肃然起敬的影像, 就算是面对死亡风险他们仍然保留住生存的意志。电影中的一些情节可能引起一些国家的回响。

HereLoveLies 5


  In the pursuit of 'love and forever', single parent and Travel Blogger Amanda, embarks on a social media romance with American TourGuide Michael. A trip to the US to meet up for the first time, opens up more doors than both anticipated.

黑白之间是彩色世界 9


  電影講述送貨司機 Bambino 和雄心勃勃的攝影師 Bawa 在刻下尼日利亞的故事。儘管同性戀在當地仍被視為非法,但兩人就是因為這種社會束縛與戀愛禁制的情況,在一起探索前首都拉各斯多姿多彩的種種人事之時,結下難以磨滅的深厚感情。電影描繪尼日利亞同性跨性戀人群的奮鬥和勇敢,強調了認識與包容的重要性,含蓄低調卻意韻深遠,令人心動,摘下柏林影展泰迪熊獎誠然實至名歸。
  榮獲2023柏林影展泰迪熊獎、榮獲2023三藩市同志影展 Out in the Silence Award獎。

CountryHard 6


  A hyperlink crime-drama that explores a day in the lives of seven strangers as their paths interconnect in a way that may alter their lives forever.

闪耀你的双眼 3


  Because he has not heard anything from his older brother Ikenna, musician Amadi travels from Nigeria to the metropolis of So Paulo. But Ikenna remains missing. Cidade Pássaro (Shine Your Eyes) is an enigmatic exploration on multiple levels.

归乡异途 4


  After being sent to Nigeria against his will, a stubborn Nigerian-American teenager joins forces with an Internet scammer in order to return to the United States.

十一追凶 8


  As Nigeria prepares for independence from the British in 1960, a seasoned police detective rushes to find the serial killer slaughtering its native young women.

遗忘之地 9
