"智利" 共找到影视: 761 部

ImagenLatente 4


  In the late 1980s, a politically neutral photographer in Pinochet's Chile is still struggling to come to terms with the "disappearance" of his activist brother in the Villa Grimaldi torture centre back in 1975.

塞尔瓦 7


  The land expels and the ocean drowns,
  departures repeat themselves with each generation.
  Selva dances within voices and memories,
  in a game that prepares her for the inevitable separation.

岸上潮 5


  Stunningly shot in the southern Chilean archipelago of Chiloe, this short follows a teenager holidaying with friends. Heartbroken from a recent breakup, she finds peace and contentment from an unlikely source.

圣格雷戈里奥之王 4


ElCordero 4


  Domingo is happy in his insignificant life until, in an unfortunate accident, he commits an involuntary manslaughter. Tormented by not feeling any guilt, he dives into a spiral of violence hoping to recover it so he can get back to being just a normal guy.

Partirtolive 5


  A young aficionado of paranormal experiences attempts to reconstruct the previous moments of what could have been one of these episodes. High-tension cables, a forest, an abandoned church, a barefoot woman: Past, present and future become confused, and in this dissolved reality, he is not sure to have found what he was looking for.

Sussi 10


  Sexy country girl Sussi comes to the big city of Santiago to find love and success 1980s-style.

莱顿 2


  Leyton 和他的朋友 Modesto 都是渔民,且亲如兄弟,只是性格迥异。大吹大擂的 Modesto 是个永不满足的人,而朴实无华的 Leyton 对自己简单的生活很满足。Modesto 有一个美丽天真的妻子 Marta,她渴望 Modesto 给她带来的性满足,而就在 Modesto 用自己的网在海里打渔的同时,而命运的网把 Marta 和她的情人 Leyton 卷入了悲剧的三角关系......
  智利籍导演 Gonzalo Justiniano 拍摄的这部作品是关于爱、欲望、友情、背叛和谋杀的悲剧故事。

足球梦 1


神圣的家庭 2



周六,一部实时电影 6


  "Mother" stands out on the front of her black t-shirt, "Fucker" on the back. And as angrily as these words sound when combined into a curse, is how Antonia behaves. Because she is pregnant, and Victor, who slept with her, is getting married in a few hours to Blanca. Incensed, and looking like a black angel of revenge, she searches out her rival, already in her white wedding rob...

火之地 9


  智利导演Miguel Littin的新作,Miguel Littin是智利最著名的导演之一,曾经拍摄过《纳胡尔托罗的豺狼》《来自玛茹西娅的信》,这部影片的音乐和长镜头摄影尤其出色,气势磅礴而且充满南美文化的神秘感,可以和安哲的电影相比,是我最近看过的南美电影中摄影最好的一部,推荐。

Machos 2


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