"智利" 共找到影视: 761 部

NoBastaconAmar 4


  Samir, must face his parent's breakup. While they meet to find the way to tell him, the little Samir surprises them, because he knows perfectly what's happening, putting his own parents into a hard place with his vision of the situation.

没人知道我在这 4



PerroBomba 10


  STEEVENS is a young Haitian with simple and stable life in Chile: work, house, friendship and party. But JUNIOR arrives and causes Steevens hit his CHIEF. The news is viral and Steevens disowned by his community, friends and by all. Steevens looking for work, home and support throughout Santiago.

娜欧蜜·坎贝尔 6


度假酒店 6


  Una familia se va vacaciones a un resort de la Riviera Maya mexicana, alojándose en un hotel todo incluido: El cabeza de familia es Gonzalo (Ochoa), un arquitecto cincuentón, casado con Carmen (Vargas) y con sus tres hijos (Serradilla, Higareda y Zavala). Cada personaje enfrenta una problemática particular que desencadena la crisis en medio de la llegada de un huracán a tan par...

流亡者们的对话 4


  智利导演Raoul Ruiz上世纪70年代在法国拍摄的一部实验纪录片,找来一群与自己命运相同的智利流亡艺术家和政治家搞座谈会,有点当年戈达拍《中国姑娘》时期的叛逆感觉,结合了故事与记录手法,其中某某人的谈话很有意思。
  The best school for dialectics is emigration. The most penetrating dialecticians are exiles. There are changes that have forced them into exile, and they are interested only in changes. From minute signs they deduce the most f...

Horcón,alsurdeningunaparte 9


  La protagonista es una alemana de padre chileno que viene por primera vez para traer las cenizas de su padre y arrojarlas en la caleta y pueblo de Horcón. Ella sirve de testigo del pasado y de lo que ocurre en el tiempo de su viaje. En cierto modo su presencia genera una siniestra resurrección de esa época pasada que es la que llevaba al golpe militar de 1973, y permite que sus...

约束之地 2


  Miguel Littin离开智利之前拍的最后一部片,历史革命题材,由于73年政变爆发时影片还未完成,直到一年后他在古巴拍完了最后场景。当然影片在智利国内被禁直至独裁垮台,05年洛衫机拉美电影节最佳影片。
  The coup d'etat, which in September 1973 dismantled the film production infrastructure in Chile, suspended only momentarily the activity of filmmakers who since 1956 had worked towards the construction of a national cinema. Filmmakers, technicians, actors and critics left the ...

CascosIndomables 7


  A Costa Rican motorcycle messenger leads a simple life of hanging out with his delivery crew and meeting up with his girlfriend, but life takes a comedic turn when they lose their jobs and must find a new way to stay together, in the latest from Neto Villalobos (All About the Feathers).

Sapo 5


SantiagoViolenta 9


皮诺切特男孩 1


Niunacaricia 10


LaVisita 9


  The expected return of the son for his father funeral shakes up a traditional and secretive familiar environment where women are supposed to count on men to survive as he shows himself turned into a female.

邪国公主 5


  In a far-off country at the end of the world Tamara, aged 12, lives under the wing of charismatic cult leader Miguel, a man she adores. That summer the girl will be given a mission: to have a holy child with him immediately she has her first period. Tamara realises that the life she wants for herself is not the same as the fate imposed on her. Her disobedience will lead to her ...