"智利" 共找到影视: 761 部

LaleyendadeelCrack 6


Extraviados 1


Lavacaatada 6


ElCrack 5


白色小谎言 2


  A small-town journalist in southern Chile realizes he just run out of good news so that he starts making gossips and fake stories in order to keep his job in the local newspaper he works for.

大学小区 6


QuePenatuFamilia 8


  Continues the romantic story of Javier and Angela, who, after having sworn eternal love and having their first child, decide to divorce.

克雷默公民 6


Choyün,BrotesdelaTierra 7


  En la región de la Araucanía, en medio de montaas y bosques amenazados por la explotación forestal, una familia mapuche lucha por preservar su cultura y sus formas de vida. Tres generaciones de mujeres indígenas - abuela, hija y nieta - se encontrarán en una cruzada por defender la naturaleza de la industria extractiva y la grave crisis socioambiental que viven.

永恒的血 3


  When student journalism major Carmilla meets a gang of role-playing kids, they introduce her to a vampire game called Eternal Blood. But is it just a game

萨扬:干旱之路 6



Marcelo,LaMafiayLaEstafa 6


那种热情 5


  Chile 1980, under military dictatorship. Three young people meet, become friends, and together uphold the "Independent Republic." This is a utopian concept for a better world conceived by Guillermo, one of the three friends, as a reaction to the savage capitalism imposed by the dictatorship. The other two characters, Fernando and Isabel eventually marry. Al three characters' pr...

B-Happy 1


  A determined teenager must rely on her own wits when her fractured family abandons her.

LaFiebredelLoco 1


  When the Chilean officials lift the ban on harvesting the shellfish "el loco" (which purportedly is an aphrodisiac) in the seaside village of Puerto Gala greed and lust take hold. Greed is embodied by Carlos Maldonato, "El Canuto," who attempts to buy all of the shellfish for a Japanese company, and by a traveling band of prostitutes that accompany the influx of fishermen. El C...