"奥地利" 共找到影视: 2749 部

赫尔穆特·贝格,我的母亲和我 5


  Aus einer Laune heraus googelt die Mutter der Regisseurin den Filmhelden ihrer Jugend: Helmut Berger. Sie ist schockiert: Von der einstigen Ikone scheint nur noch ein suchtkranker, verwirrter Schatten übrig geblieben zu sein, der – wenn überhaupt – nur noch mit Skandalen von sich reden macht und als traurige Gestalt im Dschungelcamp sitzt. Kurzerhand beschliet die Finanzcontro...

Homemad(e) 1


  Acclaimed Austrian documentary director Ruth Beckermann portrays a dying culture of Viennese urban history in HOMEMAD(E). The entertaining as well as insightful doc was shown at the Forum section of the Berlinale. The Marc-Aurel-Strae in Vienna. The last Jewish shop owner in the former textile disctrict, the Iranian hotelier, the cafe Salzgries with its regular customers. From...

ZorrosBarMizwa 7


  At the Wailing Wall or in the spotlight of a stage, wearing a Zorro costume or a designer dress, solemn or rollicking: crossing the threshold to the adult world can take place in very different ways. This film accompanies four 12-year-olds as they prepare for their bar or bat mitzvot.

纸桥 1


  "I don't know exactly why I traveled east this winter," filmmaker Ruth Beckermann says of her documentary journey through Eastern Europe. "I think I was just curious to know whether there was still any resemblance to the stories I grew up with." Beckermann's parents met in Vienna after the Holocaust; her father was a war refugee from Romania and her mother was a native of Vienn...

回到维也纳 6


  Franz West (1909-85) remembers his youth in Vienna: the variety of the Jewish population of the so called Matzah-Island, his commitment to the worker’s movement of the Red Vienna and the rise of Austro-fascism and National Socialism.

场地被占用 1


  Based on material that emerged during the occupation of the arena in the summer of 1976, the film shows the organization of collective work, the negotiations with the city and community and finally the demolition of the buildings. ——MUBI

先知的孩子们 10


  The mourning period MOHARRAM presents the religious highlight for SHIITE Muslims. This film follows four different groups of people in today's TEHERAN. Young religious men come closer to eachother during this major event,ending in the DAY OF ASHURA - known for its traditional flagellation ritual.People are careful but surprisingly open to talk about politics.

触摸影院 7


  Expanded cinema: ‘As always, the screening takes place in the dark. Only the movie theatre has become a bit smaller. There’s only room inside for two hands. In order to see the film, meaning in this case to sense and feel it, the viewer (user) must guide his or her two hands into the movie theatre by way of the entrance. With that, the curtain, which up till now was raised only...

FelixAustria! 3


  Compelled by the inheritance of a mysterious box of letters, American aesthete Felix Pfeifle begins the journey of a lifetime to reach the source of the correspondence: the last heir of the Holy Roman Emperors, aging Archduke Otto von Habsburg. The quest takes Felix across America , over the Atlantic and beyond. But time is running out on another end--Felix's father is dying of...

丑王传奇 6


  他是生於土耳其的庫爾德人、政治異見者、當年獨裁**眼中釘,飾演《醜王》(1966)亡命鐵漢聲名大噪,因誤殺被判刑十九年,卻在獄中寫了三部名揚海外的電影。尤馬茲瑾尼拍《自由之路》(1982,見115 頁)時正在獄中,排除萬難完成作品,之後流亡法國,與哥斯達加華斯的《大失蹤》(1982)分享康城金棕櫚獎,兩年後病死他鄉。塔貝克是米高漢尼卡的學生,深受瑾尼電影啟發,決定追尋他的足跡,走訪其親友、同囚、創作伙伴、合作過的演員,重組這位傳奇影人的真面目。

我的姐姐玛丽亚 1


  奥斯卡影帝Maximilian Schell为其姐姐Maria Schell(戛纳影后+威尼斯影后)拍摄的纪录片。

老虎与和尚 9



哎呀,她在歌唱 10


  "Oh Yeah, She Performs!" is about four extraordinary women pursuing the same dream: composing, producing and living from their own music - without compromising their ideals. A film about female musicians. Gustav, aka Eva Jantschitsch, allows us a glimpse into her creative process, her private home studio, the rundown cellar rooms where her band rehearses and backstage at her la...

Solebenwir-BotschaftenandieFamilie 6


  Immaginate di essere seduti a casa, lo schermo è montato, il proiettore pronto, e cominciamo a guardare insieme film di famiglia propone la voce calma di Gustav Deutsch all'inizio di how we live. Con la stessa pacatezza il film intraprende un viaggio fra reperti filmici amatoriali raccolti tra Austria, Italia, Olanda e Inghilterra, viaggiando da Boston all'Italia, dagli USA a...