"奥地利" 共找到影视: 2749 部

DerBusenfreund 4


  Renatus, a former math teacher, is forty years old and lives with his mother in a desolate block of flats. Ever since his early youth, women with big breasts have fascinated him, because they symbolize a kind of earth mother to him. He has never had an especially close relationship with his own mother; she was too “bony” for him.
  The object of Renatus’ fantasy is the actress Se...

与海蒂·拉玛通话 10


普利皮亞特 7


  An astonishing and haunting documentary by Nikolaus Geyrhalter (Our Daily Bread and 7915 KM). which looks at life in the town of Pripyat 12 years after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, referred to by its residents simply as “the accident”.
  Geyrhalter creates a moving portrait of the everyday life of people who still live and work in “the zone”, the 30 km area around the ...

普雷明格:剖析档案文件 5



解密凯尔特古墓 7


  凯尔特人,他们是谁?他们从哪儿来?这些问题的答案深藏在山脉和古墓中。在欧洲阿尔卑斯山脉的中心的一个巨大的墓地里,已经挖掘出超过1500具人的遗体,也出土了无数珍贵的文物。 这些是凯尔特人,他们既不是英国人也不是野蛮人,他们曾是一个先进文明。稀有珍贵的盐带给了他们财富和力量,科学家团队将带领你进行凯尔特人文明的探秘。
  Executive producers: Martin Mészáros, Sabine Holzer
  Produced by Terra Mater Factual Studios
  Mountainfilm Graz 2019
  * Winner: Honourable Mention in the Category: People & Cultures
  US International Film &...

鲸鱼的智慧 8


  人们一直认为,文化交流是让人类社会真正特殊的东西。然而,动物行为主义者已经证明其他物种也有文化。而现在,文化俱乐部有一个新成员:鲸鱼。鲸文化是可以通过信息共享的程度来衡量的。现在已经发现鲸鱼不仅具有高级智慧,而且他们可以利用智慧分享知识并相应地改变他们的行为。海洋生物学家和自然电影制片人罗森塔尔(Rick Rosenthal)一路追踪鲸鱼从巴哈马到阿拉斯加,再从挪威到亚速尔群岛,他不仅要发现鲸鱼正在做什么,同时也要洞察他们的想法。
  解说(德语):Bernd Birkhahn
  解说(英语):David Attenborough
  Executive producers: Susanne Lummer, Sabine Holzer
  A Terra Mater Factual Studios production in co-production with ...

Dasistalles 6


  Portrait of a Russian village near Kaliningrad and its multiethnic inhabitants.

DerFotografvorderKamera 9


  Documentary about a photographer.

一米四 6


TheActofDying 10


  Nicolas Cage stirbt sich von Hollywood bis Direct-To-DVD.

Spieler 7


  Rustem is a gambler, poker is his passion and his job. Only two hours are enough for him to play up to 300 games online. Every second and every click mean that he has to make decisions: he has to risk everything 60 times per minute. Luck has nothing to do with poker, he says. Confidence, a talent with numbers and discipline are what count.

埃尔维斯和维也纳女孩 10

成为玛丽莲 3


AttabambiScheissmichan 5


  In 2011, a year after his death, famously provocative German director Christoph Schlingensief received the Golden Lion at the Biennale Venezia for his legacy in art. Little did they know to what extremes he would go in unleashing his unique "social plastics", interactive challenging test areas, where audiences and actors are likewise dipped into an inspiring chaos. This Doc Min...