"奥地利" 共找到影视: 2749 部

Krhen-NatureIsWatchingUs 5


  No animal knows us better than crows. Wherever humans are present, crows can also be found. They follow farmers and hunters, warriors and executioners, and scour agricultural fields and gardens, battlefields and disaster zones. There is no revolution they have not witnessed at close range. Bloodbath or feast, they have gazed at both countless times as our chroniclers. As our om...

常态1-10 7


  At the turn of the century, neo-Nazi marches, racist attacks and the defiling of Jewish graves formed part of everyday life in Germany and Austria. Steyerl’s series of essayistic shorts give an account of violence mistaken for normality.

阿诺德视觉训练 1


旅行者的故事 10



DieKunstdesErinnerns-SimonWiesenthal(1994) 1


  The Art of Remembrance: Simon Wiesenthal, by Hannah Heer and Werner Schmiedel, is a documentary about a man revered as one of the great Jewish humanitarians of the 20th century. Raul Hilberg and other intellectuals also perceive him as a philosopher, although his primary work for many decades was the investigation of Nazi criminals. In a society which, since the Holocaust, has ...

当下或明日 8


  Lisa Weber’s portrait of Claudia, who had a son when she was 15 and now lives together with him, her mother and her brother in Vienna, is an affectionate and gentle film about the passing of time and about what happens when seemingly nothing is happening.

Wienfilm1896-1976 8


  Dieser Film ist eine Art Anthologie über Wien seit der Erfindung des Füms bis zur Gegenwart. Das Klischee des üblichen ,WienBildes' (wie etwa im .Wiener Film' ) soll durchbrochen werden...

NotesandSketchesI 8


  Spontaneous, unplanned, non-staged recordings, mostly in foreign countries, paying increased attention to the ordinary, applying the ingenuity of the researcher in the quotidian and commonplace.

Manaslu-BergderSeelen 2


ZeitfürUtopien 8


  Nachhaltigkeit ist das ultimative Schlagwort im heutigen Zeitalter. Vernderungen sind zwar auch im Kleinen durchaus mglich. Aber hufig scheitert es dann doch daran, Nachhaltigkeit im Alltag wirkungsvoll in Taten umzusetzen. Es wird also hchste Zeit für Vernderungen. Diese filmische Entdeckungsreise nimmt die Zuschauer mit zu den Einsteigern in eine neue Gesellschaft und di...

DasAugedesTaifun 9


  A documentary of the site-specific performance on 16 May 1992, conceived by Erich Wonder & Heiner Müller for the 300th anniversary of the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. German band Einstürzende Neubauten is located on a glass palace/stage on wheels (accompanied by the slavish trotting of huskies) which is slowly moving on the nightly ring road of Vienna. Their only pe...

ViewsofaRetiredNightPorter 9


  The protagonist of Krzysztof Kieslowski's legendary 1977 documentary "Night Porter's Point of View" is revisited by Andreas Horvath, who finds him retired and relatively well in a Warsaw suburb. He lives on a minimum pension in a characterless one-room apartment, with a giant wallpaper depicting a Hawaiian idyll. The former night porter, once a typical exponent of the communist...

RomySchneider-EineFrauindreiNoten 7


  Documentary portrait of the actress Romy Schneider, in which director Frederick Baker tries to form an overall picture from the facets of image, myth, real life and screen persona.