"拉脱维亚" 共找到影视: 262 部

红梅茨 3


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2019  

  Homeland love, spies and betrayal. On true events based drama about the national m.77mi.cc resistance movement in Latvia after the Soviet occupation.

塔林→加里寧格勒穿梭巴 10


  This documentary follows a bustrip Tallinn to Kaliningrad. A route that was so common in the Soviet times now passes through 4 different countries and crosses 3 different borders...

PhilosopherEscaped 1


  • 正片

容易吗……? 5


  In 1986 Juris Podnieks released Vai Viegli Būt Jaunam, a documentary probing lives of young people in Soviet Latvia, and already at that time he intended to to a follow-up ten years later. Unfortunately, in 1992 Podnieks died in a diving accident...so Antra Cilinska took over his project, looked for the young people from original documentary and made new one which tries to tak...

西奥多先生 2


我的丈夫安德烈·萨哈罗夫 10


  安德烈萨哈罗夫在克格勃监视下流亡。 “露西给了我幸福,使生活更有意义。她自己的生活同时这么困难,悲惨,而且我希望,获得了新的含义”

安涅尔 2


  Annia (28) lives in Riga and always is in a process and finding her own way, expressing herself in multiple roles. She works as a show manager at The New Riga Theatre, but later she needs to find out how to be unemployed. She teaches tap dance in her own studio, and a great part of her life is to be Dr. Clown in Children’s clinical hospital

被月亮烧焦 10


  Gifted artist Raul has been stuck in a wheelchair for 15 years due to his life choices and his paintings have been the only way to express his feelings and desperation

Mājas 9


  The camera stands in a house, the lens pointing through the window, outdoors, where the occupants of the home are standing. They respond patiently to the camera operator’s directions: a small step to the left, a little bit forward, no, back just a bit, yes, that’s perfect. Dozens of people pose in this way for a full minute. There’s a man who lives alone, a large family, an old...

Muris 3


  An archive photo from 1940 forms the starting point for an exploratory journey along the border between Latvia and the USSR, or today between the European Union and Russia. Navigating from one side of this line to the other, two opposing visions of the world are revealed.

WorkingClassBallet 5


哈啰,马! 1


  The film is about how everything changes while remaining the same, or rather how everything remains the same by changing. It uses all the basic elements of film language - image, sound, light, movement (or non-movement), editing rhythm and pauses and all those things a man never thinks about walking along a country road.

Pa-saulesskaa 5


Pēdējātempahronikas 1


求票记 1


  博尔赫斯曾说:“如果有天堂,天堂应该是图书馆的模样。”而对于一年在百老汇看500部剧的尼基考克安尼来说,天堂则是剧院的模样。40遍《猫》,10遍《长夜漫漫路迢迢》, 她对百老汇上演的一切戏剧耳熟能详。她一边说着“生活就是戏剧(Life is theater)”,一边让自己生活在戏剧中(Life in theater),而电影也采取了这样的拍摄方式,将百老汇戏剧影像与她的人生经历相结合、相对应,让戏剧像镜子一般映照出她的一生。