"Latvian" 共找到影视: 71 部

西奥多先生 2


我的丈夫安德烈·萨哈罗夫 10


  安德烈萨哈罗夫在克格勃监视下流亡。 “露西给了我幸福,使生活更有意义。她自己的生活同时这么困难,悲惨,而且我希望,获得了新的含义”

十字街 8


  This film is included in the Latvian Cultural Canon.
  Seemingly simple and unpretentious, this is a truly impressive film, recipient of the European Film Academy’s prize. The quiet little street with its residents and their lives is like a raindrop that reflects the universe. This full-length documentary has received not only local recognition (award “Lielais Kristaps”) but also...

十字街上的资本主义 10


  The peculiar inhabitants of the tiny Crossroad Street in Riga always end up in the most unexpected situations that only life could invent. This film follows their everyday lives, their joys and woes, in the times of global economic recession. The small community becomes a mirror of the society.
  102 min., 16:9, LAT, RUS, ENG subtitles

Jaunielaikiērsielā 8


  Ten years have passed since we made the film “Crossroad Street”, about a small street in the suburbs of the city of Riga. Now we’ve come back. Perhaps it was a sense of duty, perhaps nostalgia that brought us back – who knows Perhaps it was both. Daiga, Aldis, Osis – they’re all our people. The first film had an impact on both the filmmakers and the residents of Crossroad Stre...

双重陷阱 5


  (译者注:我没有找到关于这部电影的有价值的资料。它被俄罗斯人遗忘了——也许有政治因素在里头吧。 下面还有一段影评,出自俄罗斯某电影网站,很不客气~)

Puika 6


  Adaptation of "Baltā Grāmata" (The White Book) by Jānis Jaunsudrabi.
  Depicts about a year of household life seen through the eyes of a servant boy

乌鸦街共和国 9


  The action in this film, shot after eponymous semi-autobiographical story by Jānis Grīzi, mostly takes place in Grīzikalns (industrial like suburb in Riga) soon after the revolution of 1905.
  Children of factory workers have their own 'republic' of Crow street, they have their daily quarrels with gang or richer merchant kids from nearby Field street, but everything changes wh...

军队‘尾巴’ 7


TheMysteryofOldParishHouse 10


Būris 10


  The film is based on the novel "Būris" (1972, "The Cage") by Alberts Bels.
  Achitect Edmunds Bērzs is driving home from visiting his mother one day when he gets kidnapped and locked in a cage somewhere in a forest. With chances of a rescue party arriving growing slimmer each day, Edmunds inevitably evaluates his life.

迷鹿莊園 9


  《謎鹿莊園》原本是拉脫維亞全方位作家Inga bele 的舞台劇作,散發出濃郁的北國陰鬱氣氛,被譽為「宛如契訶夫與史特林堡嗑藥之後才寫得出來的作品」。本片導演維斯特 凱黎斯早在三十多歲的年紀,即已名列「波羅的海」最優秀的劇場導演之一,本片無論形式還是風格,皆可視為他2002 年首部作《Leaving by the Way》的變奏。破碎...

Rūgtaisvīns 2


Headked 2
