"拉脱维亚" 共找到影视: 262 部

ValkyrieLimited 4


自由的鸟 7


  Four directors trying to capture simple yet quintessential experiences of a single individual in different periods of his life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. The four loosely related segments form a single interwoven narrative, where each one of the depicted events provides reference points for the others.

CastratustheBoar 7


  "Castratus the Boar" is an impressionistic story about a small town resident Valter and his secret that prevents him from integrating in the local community. He spends his days breeding pigs and singing in the church choir but that doesn’t make him less lonely. When he finally tries to establish closer contact with a fellow girl Aija, his representations of masculinity take a w...

Maria’sSilence 10


  A powerful historical drama based on the true story of Maria Leiko, famous actress who late in her career has to decide between fame and love for her grandchild, between her ideals or the lies of Stalin’s totalitarian regime.

男人和狗 3



儿子的探戈课 3


  Helen is a confident and good looking single mother who is rising her only son Dainis. They attend tango lessons together and look like a couple. Dainis means everything to her and she can not imagine her life without him. Helen suspects that her beloved son has a girlfriend what he is trying to hide. Helen gets extremely jealous and wants that relationship to end. She is terri...

Еврей 4


  Late 1940s. Mikhail Krasnitsky leads a quiet life near Rostov with his beloved wife Riva. When the firstborn of Michael and Riva dies, the hero takes it as a sign from above. Under the pretext of business trips, the hero begins to travel around the cities of the USSR, where, in cold blood, for an unclear reason, he commits murders. Investigator UGRO captain Smolov manages to co...

ceplis 10


  Action takes place in Latvia in 1920-thies. Entrepreneurial Edgar Ceplis establish joint-stock company, to produce and export clay bricks. He attracts to project many investors in the hope of the promised huge profits. Soon Ceplis gets enamored to his office typist, but the business stays neglected, and it turns out that the selected clay is not valid for export bricks. While n...

大理石里呼吸 6


  Based on a Lithuanian writer’s novel Breathing into Marble” the film focuses on the challenges of a modern family.
  It is a romantic ballad with the plot of a thriller. Izabele and Liudas – intellectuals living in a homestead near a big city and raising the son, Gailius, who has a case of epilepsy and is smarter than most children his age. Izabele convinces her husband to adopt...

第六名选手 9


  Documentary film the Sixth Player follows basketball fans and their emotions throughout the European Basketball Championship in Riga in 2015. Basketball is being played for the fans and can't be enjoyed without the atmosphere created by the fans. The film follows different basketball supporters simultaneously - locally well known actors in a bar, parents of the players in the a...

SimplifyYourSoul 9


Долинароз 5


塞内卡的日子 1


  It is 1989, the final year of the Soviet era in Vilnius. Eighteen-year old buddies establish the Seneca's Fellowship. Its mottos is, "Live each day as if it was your last." 25 years later, one of them is disillusioned with himself. He has betrayed the ideals of his youth.

梅兰妮纪事 5



梦之地 6


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