"拉脱维亚" 共找到影视: 262 部

普京的见证 3


  迎接千禧年的除夕,时任俄罗斯总统叶利钦突然宣布辞职,普京时代开始。《幸福北韩》(40 届)导演维德利明斯奇,当时获邀为准备竞逐总统大选的普京拍摄纪录片,正好见证了政治强人在此关键时刻如何巩固个人权力。当年未曾公开的片段,近距离追踪即将大权在握的普京,还有戈巴卓夫和叶利钦现身镜头前,而当时在普京身边的同路人,不少后来都成为反对派,个中其实有迹可寻。获捷克卡罗维法利电影节最佳纪录片奖。

完美的失败者 8


  They're called water carriers, domestics, 'gregarios', 'Sancho Panzas' of professional cycling. Always at the back of the group, with no right for a personal victory. These wonderful losers are the true warriors of professional cycling.

光复日 3


  挪威表现艺术家莫滕·特拉维克(Morten Traavik)首次执导长片,耗时一年制作完成的纪录片《光复日》(Liberation Day),记录了莱巴赫(Laibach)这个自称最被误解的乐团,来到自称最被误解的政权,作最不可思议的文化交流。

LatvijasKinohronika(1910-1938) 4


  Compilation of various documentary/newsreels about events in Latvia starting with 1910 visit of tzar Nicholas II, German military forces occupying Riga in 1917 (when Latvia was not yet established as legal country) and continuing with excerpts form later years.

我的银行家父亲 7


  Self-made banker Boriss Osipovs achieves quick success immediately after the collapse of the USSR, but flees Latvia to avoid arrest for illegal operations. Fifteen years later, his family receives a photograph from Interpol of an elderly gentleman with the same name who resides in a Malaysian mental asylum. Could it be him Despite the reservations of her family, his daughter, ...

太阳之下 1


  紀錄片花一年時間拍攝,導演 Vitaliy Manskiy 與攝製隊兩次到訪平壤,全程有「保鏢」陪伴。與五位女學生進行10分鐘面試後,Vitaliy Manskiy 找來8歲女孩辛美(Zin Mi)做女主角,紀錄她加入先鋒運動、慶祝已故最高領導人金正日生辰的光明星節等點滴。

战役 10


  Can a film be clinical and informative and yet also dreamy and mysterious Of course, and a lot more besides. That much is apparent from the beautiful Battles, an observational essay that investigates the traces recent conflicts have left in the landscape and the people at four different sites in Europe.
  The echoes of war also reverberate in peacetime. Battles takes a patient l...

拉脱维亚新起点 10


  Filma stāsta par atjaunotās Latvijas valsts pirmajiem seiem gadiem, kad Valsts prezidents bija Guntis Ulmanis. Tā interesantā gaismā atklāj, kā tika nostiprināta valstiskā neatkarība, atjaunojot valsts Satversmi un nodibinot Valsts prezidenta institūciju, runā par būtiskākajiem lēmumiem ajā laikā - Krievijas armijas izveanu, Latvijas lēmumu iestāties Eiropas Savienībā, izvēl...

卢比克斯之路 9


  Rubiks' road is the bicycle road connecting Riga and Jurmala. It is still unofficially associated with the name of the former Communist Party leader of Soviet Latvia. While we were filming pedestrians, joggers, bicyclers, dogs, birds, trains, scooters and airplanes, the citizens of Latvia elected Alfreds Rubiks, a person strongly against the independence of Latvia, to the Europ...

Can'tHelpMyself 6


  A social contradiction is encapsulated in the opening image: a woman sunbathing on a rooftop is revealed to be located, incongruously, right above a busy office in Riga. Then the action shifts to a beach, where the same tension is evident: work is repetitive and unglamorous, while a self-help audio promises peace and contentment.
  Anna Ansone’s poignant, witty portrait asks: wha...

转换方案 1


海边小男孩 5


水族 10



关于人生的短片 4



靜 5

  There should be silence in a museum. And someone should see to it that the silence is there. It's the logical order of things. However, it might seem weird to somebody.