"比利时" 共找到影视: 3500 部

BodiesandStruggles 8


  Back in October 2020, hospitalizations due to coronavirus are constantly increasing, the second wave is breaking down the doors of C.H.U. of Liège, the main hospital of Wallonia, in Belgium. Head nurses Carine Thirion and Patricia Modanese of the Covid and Intensive Care Units are facing this new peak and must manage their teams, still affected by the first wave. How are they g...

与妈妈对话:娜塔莉亚·阿克曼 10


  "My mother because, in one way or another, I talk about her constantly in my films, and often, I wonder if I have really worked so hard for her, about her, in relation to her, also my mother and her relationship with the movies, a relationship sometimes of recognition, sometimes of negation". – Chantal Akerman
  In this 2007 interview, an off-camera Chantal Akerman interviews her...

候鸟之人 4


  "Those Waiting For The Birds" is the portrait of a game: "pigeon racing". Through passionate pigeon racers, such as Robert Calonne, an old mason and famous champion, Serge Taillieu, a young unemployed but diligent player, or Herbots Philip, who made breading pigeons a lucrative business, the film director is contemplating this sport today. As a kind of "horse racing of the poor...

限制之外,雅克·范·多梅尔的电影 8


  A la maniere dune chronique, Hors Limites retrace sa filmographie jusquau tout recent Mister Nobody.

Qu'est-cequ'unbonimpt? 9


  Too high, misused, unfair… a large part of the French and Europeans criticize taxes. From tax-rascal to tax revolt, the movement of yellow vests in France has returned to the center of attention the question of consent to tax. How to explain a different resistance to taxes from one country to another without tax pressure being an explanation Is there a “good” tax Jean Quatrem...



  Shot over three years across the globe through stunning underwater cinematography, this film presents an intimate portrait through macro photography of the Cephalopods (Greek meaning – head foot). Journey through the magical world of these fascinating aquatic species and discover their unique physiology and what makes them survive against all odds.

LéonTrotsky:Unhommeàabattre 10


  On August 21, 1940, Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico City, after eleven years of exile. The killer, Ramon Mercader, a young Spanish communist, was a character straight out of a spy movie. He was recruited in 1937 by Stalin's secret service when the latter decided to eliminate Trotsky, that tireless opponent. Through the epic story of Trotsky's last years in exile in Mexico, e...

成为玛丽莲 3


灵感主题 7


  在这部电影中,查尔斯·德库克雷尔(Charles Dekeukeleire)将古代和现代大师的肖像与电影中真实人物的肖像进行了比较,以证明“人们的灵魂在几个世纪里没有改变”。“灵感”不断从现在跳到过去“不可否认,这两部电影都以前卫电影为标志,德克凯雷尔以《日尔曼·杜拉克》风格的诗歌电影和各种蒙太奇电影为其贡献了力量,这些电影与鲁特曼电影和苏联电影的密切关系,而非20世纪30年代纪录片的新趋势。”,史蒂文·雅各布斯的《比利时艺术纪录片》(第36页和第37页)这部电影获得了1938年威尼斯国际电影艺术展的金奖。

I'mNewHere 7


  Guangzhou, China. A building erected in the communist style of the eighties: Tian Xiu. Since many years this is the Eldorado for African migrants who massively try their luck in this city. Electronics, clothes, furniture, building materials...: everything is for sale here. For a good price, although the quality sometimes leaves much to be desired. Because nothing gets produced ...

我们的大自然 7


  Onze Natuur, De Film (Our Nature, The Movie) is an ambitious nature documentary about Belgian nature, full of wonderful stories about well-known and little-known animals that amaze people and increase their love and respect for our nature.

我想当演员 4


  Nastasjia, 10 ans, veut devenir comédienne. Patrick Chesnais, Michal Lonsdale, Franois Morel, Denis Podalydès, Philippe Torreton, Jacques Weber... lui confient leurs secrets d'acteurs. Qu'est-ce que jouer Comment apprendre un texte, composer un personnage, lacher prise, avoir du charisme... Au théatre et au cinéma.

机器中的沙粒 3


L'Empiredusilence 5


  In The Empire of Silence, Thierry Michel ricostruisce quasi trent’anni di un dramma che si svolge in uno dei paesi più ricchi del mondo, il Congo, dove la popolazione è tra le più povere. Con il suo documentario, il regista ripercorre 25 anni di guerra nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo, confrontata con la cecità e la sordità della comunità internazionale. The Empire of Sil...

Trainsdeplaisir 3
