"比利时" 共找到影视: 3500 部

远方的根 9


  I travelled across Mauritania to find a tree that I saw from my window in Belgium. It wasn't a mythical tree, but rather one that could be anywhere. On my way, I met men and women who shared their perception of this quest and in doing so, in a roundabout way they shared some of their visions of the world and of existence. For some, my tree was the sign from the spirits, of the ...

以塔尼亚的名义 5


  Based upon real testimonies, this hybrid film tells the story of Tania, a teenage girl forced into prostitution in the gold mining regions of Peru. Tania remembers how she was taken from her home lured with false promises of wealth and riches and how she slowly lost her identity in the process, changing her life forever. While sharing her story with a police officer, Tania's vo...

安杰丽卡 4


  Angelika has probably seen too much for a seven year old. However, she never complains and carries on with determination. Between orphanage where she lives and the dog shelter where she visits her dog, she keeps walking, head high with a heavy heart.
  19th Tel-aviv International Student Film Festival

丁丁的影子:埃尔热 5


  A complex and complicated artist, Georges Remi created one of the most famous characters in the world, Tintin, for young readers. With exceptional access to the archives of Studios Hergé and Moulinsart, this program looks at Remi's life and the way he changed the art of comic strips.

可爱的孩子,或我扮演已婚女人 4


  A young mother, alone with her daughter, confides in a friend who happens to be the director herself. Chantal Akerman, although she sympathizes with the mother, does not say a word.

MoseKatumbi:Foot,businessetpolitique 5


  The wealthy Congolese businessman, Moise Katumbi, is not only governor of the African province of Katanga, rich in precious minerals, but is also president of the famous football team "Le Tout puissant Mazembe".
  The media, football, politics and business are the ingredients of the cocktail concocted by this new African messiah named Moise.
  He is the symbol of this new leadershi...

沉默如鱼 6


劳尼 2


  An examination of issues surrounding the survival of the indigenous tribes of north central Brazil

脸的价值 3


SilentVisitors 1


  In 'Silent Visitors' a number of people are portrayed for whom Japanese abandoned sites have become an essential part of their lives. Ayumi, Doitehu and Mike all share the same passion for haikyo. Their visits of these contemporary ruins reveal some parts of their unique personalities and at the same time shine a subdued light on post-tsunami Japanese society.

为何男人会燃烧 2


1001电影 2


捕捉欲望 9


  *導演簡介:瑪莉曼蒂 (Marie Mandy):
  1961年生於比利時魯文市,她的成長背景包括非洲與美國。1988年畢業於倫敦電影學校,1989於布魯塞爾成立製作公司,之後並在法國ARTE與比利時RTBF等電視台擔任導演工作。Marie Mandy同時也是一位傑出的攝影師...