"比利时" 共找到影视: 3500 部

LesVoisins 3


  A la demande d'un comité de quartier, le réalisateur et son équipe tente de dresser le portrait d'un quartier de Bruxelles enfermé dans le triangle étroit de trois rues.
  Dans ce microcosme fertile aux problèmes de cohabitation, les habitants disent pourtant en chur Ici tout va bien . Mais, petit à petit, certains se confient à cette caméra étrangère. Un réseau très complexe...

伊卡洛斯的天平 3


  En Méditerranée, un lieu réel et fictif à la fois. Là d’où Icare s’est jeté pour se brler les ailes. Là où se croisent paquebots, pêcheurs, migrants fuyant le désastre, sauveteurs et scientifiques étudiant les conséquences du réchauffement sur les fonds marins. Là où des signes se révèlent : notre capacité à mesurer et à interpréter le monde n’est-elle pas tombée dans une déme...

Unedesmillecollines 3


  In 1994, up to one million people lost their lives in the Rwandan genocide, and yet today there are those who deny its horrors. With his film, the Belgian director attempts to recall the specific stories of the victims of the genocide so that their suffering is not forgotten. He visits the Rwandan villages where the ruthless killing took place and follows the story of three Tut...

Terharing-visscherij 3


  A ship leaves the port of Ostend, the nets are cast, but when it enters French territorial waters it is inspected by the coast guards. The images and shots play on proximity, bringing together the fishermen’s faces, the ropes, the sea, the flash of the fish, and the baskets full of the sea’s bounty.

距离西部天堂140公里 8


  In the heart of Papua New Guinea, the Highlands which attract tourists in search of exoticism, has also attracted foreign oil companies. This is where tribes who are paid to dance gather every year and the place where a Huli family and their clan in their quest for modernity have agreed to sell their land to ExxonMobil. But the money never comes… Caught between rival tribes, gr...

中国梦 7


  Join the train of progress !The small town of Datong is being transformed, following the path of the great Chinese history. Young people work hard there, aiming for the sky, tradition disappears in the face of modern urbanism and nothing will stop the advance of power. Thus China will become a great socialist country, beautiful, modern, prosperous, powerful, democratic, harmo...

Tentativesdesedécrire 10


Justeunmouvement 8


  Juste un mouvement ('just a movement') is Vincent Meessen's free take on La Chinoise, the 1967 film by Jean-Luc Godard, and a "film in progress of making itself" in Dakar. It is conceived as a re-editing operation of Godard's film, reallocating its roles and characters, and updating its plot. Omar Blondin Diop, the only actual Maoist student in the original, now has the leading...

塞巴斯蒂安·泰利耶:生生世世 8


  From his first album composed in a maid's room to his performance at Eurovision, Sébastien Tellier never ceased to suprise, divert, bother, all without getting lost along the way. The constantly renewed authenticity of his musical universe is still one of the strongest in today's contemporary pop scene. Throughout testimonies and extracts from Quentin Dupieux's Nonfilm, appears...

Iraq'sInvisibleBeauty 1


  Latif Al Ani photographed Iraq before the wars. Today he travels his country in search of the people and places in his pictures, sharing them with Iraqis who no longer recognise the world he reveals.

欧洲24小时:下一代 5


荒漠迷雾 1


  The American West. We have arrived in a world where human life would seem to be impossible: an arid, mythical landscape characterized by absence. Absence of water, trees, life. In the beginning there was nothing. But then traces start appearing. Desert Haze tells the many-layered story of human presence in the American Desert. The traces of the past are like geological strata i...

181号公路:巴以之旅的片段 9


  Route 181, offers an unusual vision of the inhabitants of Palestine-Israel, a common vision of an Israeli and a Palestinian.
  In the summer of 2002, for two long months, Eyal Sivan and Michel Khleifi travelled together from the south to the north of their country of birth, traced their trajectory on a map and called it Route 181. This virtual line follows the borders outlined in...

来自韦桑的女孩 8


  Le film s’ouvre comme un documentaire sur l’le bretonne de Ouessant. Petit à petit, à travers une plongée dans les images d’archives où l’on découvre que l’le était peuplée uniquement de femmes, se dessine le portrait d’une fille de Ouessant, Barba, dont le père a disparu en mer. La voix-off plonge dans le registre de la fiction, et au travers de l’histoire de Barba, nous liv...

我是安娜·马尼亚尼 9


  Traces the life of Anna Magnani, her creations, her successes, her triumphs, her boycotted career, her nonconformism, her anxieties, her generosity - Punctuated with photos that tell her career in theater and cinema, Extracts of films, this documentary portrait also gives the floor to his friends and relatives, from Roberto Rossellini to Marcello Mastroianni, through Federico F...