"智利" 共找到影视: 761 部

CartasdeunafanáticadeWhistleraunfanáticodeConrad 4


  On the eve of a boat trip, a woman is inspired by the life and work of the American painter J.M. Whistler to address, through oral letters, her friend Pedro, an assiduous reader of maritime adventure novels.

闇夜凝視 4


  Eight years after being raped on a beach near Santiago, a young filmmaker composes a kaleidoscope with dozens of diary-videos showing the wounds of the abuse, the re-victimising legal proceedings and the friendship that accompanies her. One question arises in that journey: What really is rape and when does it end

EatingUpEaster 7


  On Easter Island, the most isolated community in the Pacific uses lessons learned from their past to solve environmental and social challenges brought on by booming tourism and rapid development.

鸿雁传影:卡拉·西蒙与多明加·索托迈约往来影笺 4



流产热线 9


Esqueibor 7


名侦探赛大爷 9



NuncasubíelProvincia 3


  Whoever knows the singular work by the great filmmaker Ignacio Agüerro, or even just his last film, Como me da la Gana 2 (International Grand Prix at FID2017), will not be surprised at all to hear that his new film undertakes, once again, to weave together, very tightly, on the one hand, what is private, intimate, autobiographical – including its secrets, and, on the other hand...

梦之山脉 7


  Patricio Guzmán left Chile more than 40 years ago when the military dictatorship took over the democratically-elected government, but he never stopped thinking about a country, a culture, and a place on the map that he never forgot. After covering the North in Nostalgia for the Light and the South in The Pearl Button, his shots get up-close with what he calls “the vast revealin...

智利不会忘记 5


  Hace 20 aos se realizaron numerosas películas sobre la increíble fiebre revolucionaria que se apoderó de Chile en la década del 70, durante el gobierno de Allende. Uno de estos filmes documentales, "La Batalla de Chile", mostraba esta realidad de una manera muy clara y dio la vuelta al mundo. En 1997, su autor regresó a Santiago acompaado de un pequeo equipo para recorrer ot...

摄影师的城市 5


  原名:La Ciudad De Los Fotógrafos
  译名:The City Of Photographers: Santiago Under Pinochet
  音乐:Manuel García & Silvio Paredes
  剪辑:María Teresa Viera-Gallo
  导演:Sebastián Moreno
  摄影:David Bravo
  时长:80 mins
  对白:Spanish + English subtitles

关于智利的全记录 8


  Venice Film Festival
  Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
  1986 Won FIPRESCI Prize - Honorable Mention

勒莫贝尔 6


  作为视觉艺术家和拉丁美洲酷儿运动的先驱,Pedro Lemebel在20世纪80年代皮诺切特独裁统治期间撼动了智利的保守社会。《身体》、《血》和《火》是他作品中的主角,他试图在生命的最后8年里,把这些主角永远地留在一部他永远也看不完的电影里。《勒梅贝尔》通过他关于同性恋和人权的冒险表演,描绘了一段亲密而诗意的旅程,描绘了渴望永生的顶点。

犬犬风尘 7



离岛居民 5


  Robinson Crusoe is a small island hundreds of kilometres away from the Chilean coast where in 1704 the Scottish sailor Alexandre Selkirk lived the incredible experience that inspired Daniel Defoe's same name novel. In 1877 the island becomes the property of a young Swiss aristocrat, Alfred von Rodt, a confirmed optimist, a tireless explorer and an indisputable rebel who multipl...