"1975" 共找到影视: 2673 部

TheSecretLifeofT.K.Dearing 8


  • 已更新至1集
  • 1975  

  ABC Afterschool Specials: Season 3, Episode 7

马尼拉的震颤 5


  • 最新更新
  • 1975  

  美国HBO纪录片频道和HBO运动频道联合制作了一部纪录片《Thrilla in Manila》。Thrilla in Manila指的是阿里与弗雷泽第三次遭遇的那场著名拳赛,两个昔日的好友最终反目。很多人都对这段故事抱有浓厚的兴趣,《Thrilla in Manila》纪录片的副标题便是Time Tells a Different Story“是时候说出一个不一样的故事了”。制作方找来了Ferdie Pacheco、 Butch Lewis和Dave Wolf,来亲自讲述当初所发生故事的始末。在叙...

Soychicanoymexicano 6



上海今昔 2



《热天午后》幕后:电影人吕美特 3


  A promotional short film that captures the great director Sidney Lumet while shooting his classic film "Dog Day Afternoon" (1975). In this short, we get to see the director's efforts in coordinating cast and crew in elaborated and complicated sequences while recreating a real life story to the screen.

TorreBela 2


猫年四月在越南 9


  Santiago Alvarez, founder of the Cuban film school and for years director of Noticiero ICAIC, toured various regions of the world to portray the events and significant personalities of the second half of the twentieth century. April in the Year of the Cat was a portrayal of the long struggle of the Vietnamese people for their independence in various historical periods, also cov...

LebanoninaWhirlwind 2


  Months after the incident on April 13, 1975, during which Palestinian civilians were gunned down by Phalangist militia, the numbers are even more horrifying: 6.000 dead, 20.000 injured, daily kidnappings and a capital city half destroyed. This film, a unique document about the Lebanese civil war, goes back to the origins of the conflict as seen by a society that went to war sin...

Fratellomare 6


CochengoMiranda 3


  Cochengo y su familia son campesinos del oeste de La Pampa, y combinan el trabajo rural con los placeres de la música. Los mayores hablan de la importancia y el valor de las tradiciones. Los jóvenes presentan estrategias con las que esperan poder adaptarse a una vida marcada inevitablemente por la transculturación. Un film paradigmático de su etapa pampeana.

Prostitution 4


  The director conducts a number of street interviews with prostitutes about their lives, and their costumers take a bashing out of this.

JuvenileLiaison 6


玛利亚·瓦茵诺娃之夏 6



正与邪 5


  An extension of The Perfect Human, Good and Evil is a longer, more expansive pseudo-documentary portrayal of life, no less. Using capacious titles or chapter headings that Leth's narrator's voice dwells upon and impresses upon us as he toys with the cliché "Faces", "Bodies", "Things", "Necessary actions", "Unnecessary actions", Good thoughts", "Bad thoughts", "Pleasant feelings...