"1975" 共找到影视: 2673 部

超级黛客遇见X女士 2


  From the first kiss to breakup, Almy and Hammer record their relationship on a reel-to-reel ” tape recorder and microphone. Winner of the Louise Riskin Prize at the 1976 San Francisco Art Festival.

LesNouveauxcroisésd'orient 8


  Les Nouveaux croisés d'orient
  de Jocelyne Saab
  Portrait d'un mercenaire franais au Liban. Godet a déjà servi en I ndochine et en Algérie. Il aime retrouver le got du sang.

吊床 4


  Cortometraje basado en un cuento homónimo de José Félix Fuenmayor, en él se expone el drama de una humilde mujer que ejecuta duras faenas domésticas y es seducida por un vividor quien encuentra en ella placer y sustento, hasta que la mujer estalla..

性人式 3


广角撒克逊 5


五分钟的电影 6


  5 five-minute shorts directed by Mike Leigh.
  from youtube
  #1 The Birth of the Goalie of the 2001 F.A. Final
  #2 Old Chums
  #3 Probation
  #4 A Light Snack

1975香港小姐竞选 6


  • 最新更新
  • 1975  

AmadaseViolentadas 2


  Famous crime story writer puzzles police investigator when all the women he gets involved with get murdered.

Queiparacul...pidiJolandoeMargherito 7


  A bunch of criminals try to hide in a rich man's house. They rape & kill his wife in front of him and kick his child like a ball. Then they go away. Our hero will findthree old friends and the four together they get a bloody revenge!! Very violent thriller starring Irfan Atasoy, Gordon Mitchell, Erol Tas, Richard Harrison and Olga Petrova. Cheesy and highly entertaining Turkish...

Lemalinplaisir 2


Todoslosgritosdelsilencio 4


绑架辛迪加 7


  Kidnap Syndicate may not be the all action thrill ride that describes many of the Polizi flicks, but this is still an excellent example of the genre, and one that delivers a little more than just car chases and shootouts. As the title suggests, the film focus on the profitable business of kidnapping, and director Fernando Di Leo does an excellent job of showing the horror of th...

玛拉,爱情与死亡 5


警察束手 4


  Shot in a beautiful techniscope and released in France with the quite bizarre title "BOITE à FILLETTES" on the print (VHS cover gives LA POLICE A LES MAINS LIEES as box title !) though there is no virgin nymph involved by the plot whatsoever, it is a rare and interesting testimony of the political situation in Italy near the 75's. Atmosphere is quite dense and heavy, since it t...