"无对白" 共找到影视: 6859 部

LaCabanedeDieu 2


  De son père, Pierre a hérité d’un bois qu’il entretient, et au milieu du bois, d’une cabane, ancien pavillon de chasse du père, où Pierre aime aujourd’hui passer du temps, seul avec son chien. Il y a réalisé un film qu’il vient de terminer, douze ans après un premier essai infructueux. Un des premiers plans montre la cabane en forte plongée, comme vue du haut d’un des arbres qu...

深度游戏 10


  宝丽来公司赞助拍摄的3D短片,拍摄缘起以及发行情况现均不可考证。只能从画面中看到有镜头是在《浮生录》的片场拍摄,以此推断影片是1966年夏季拍摄。目前最大猜测是此片本来为了第二年的EXPO 67展会所拍摄,但是最终宝丽来公司换上了其他一部普通2D短片而将此片封存。

原始力量 9


  使尽所有力气,接近速度的极限,发挥无穷的能量,这是一次超越肉体的极致体验。本片摄于东京,顶级拳击手Momoko Kawashima和Mie Takahashi出镜演出。(常瑞)

Eltern(Mutter/Vater) 5


  In this work the situation of shooting film as experienced by the subject and filmmaker is most clearly visible in the loving and then hurt facial expression of the mother, who in the end disregards the filmmaker′s instruction and disappears from the picture. The variety in the characters′ reactions is made apparent by the way the father, who doesn′t show his feelings, "sticks ...

PeterKubelkaundJonasMekas 5


ElectricFairy 4


FragmentsofLove 1


Envío34 8


LoveforSale 10


  Love for Sale (1953) (HD, 10:22) is a undeniably fun 3D short featuring the beautiful model Bella Starr. She prances about in her dressing room smoking and displaying her gorgeous legs for the audience. Wearing a variety of enticing outfits and showcasing her undeniable flexibility with relative ease, the film easily manages to make a lasting impression as it builds towards a s...

DripsinStrips 9


ExAnimaExperience 10


  Within an empty void, horses start to appear. They emerge from darkness, blowing, exhaling. Together, we move through space and time, as the viewer increasingly becomes the horse.

撑开 7


  A documentation of a live performance at New York University, Pryings is a graphic exploration of the physical and psychological dynamics of male/female interaction, a study in control, violation and resistance. The camera focuses tightly on Kathy Dillon's face, as Acconci tries to pry open her closed eyes. Dillon resists, at times protecting her face or fighting to get away. L...

Schizy 5


  Barbara Hammer, 1968
  S8 mm film, Color/Silent, 4 min.

AphexTwin:On 9
