"乌克兰语" 共找到影视: 375 部

Добридень,зеленКарпати! 7


  • 最新更新
  • 1966  


ЗркивАрм 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2007  

  乌克兰军队当天成立于2007年的音乐剧“在军星”。十二星与乌克兰通道“1 + 1”,国防部不得不接受一个年轻的士兵。然而,在自愿基础上。具体军队的经验导致了非凡的电影音乐。

Наймичка 7


  根据迈克尔·Verykivsky歌剧音乐电影,其中的情节 - 同名舍甫琴科诗。年轻的姑娘抛出她的私生子到另一个无子女的家庭。但是,一段时间后,按耐不住的分离,她去这个Naymychka福美来...

UndertheWingofaNight 3


  In Under the Wing of a Night, director Lesia Diak immerses herself in 11-year-old Olesia's new life in Belgium as she waits for her father's nightly call from back home.

LesLumièresdeKyiv 8


  Before her compatriot Serhii Tykhoniuk’s watchful camera, Lisa evokes her hometown, the loss of the keen sense of freedom that she connects with it, its smells… as many fragments of imagination that people forced into exile take with them in their suitcase.

IStumbleEveryTimeIHearFromKyiv 5


  While studying in Bruxelles, Daryna Mamaisur is caught up in the conflict tearing through her country. She questions the way in which to speak about it, at a distance, while cinema seems the “least appropriate” means.

Ало,фкус,авокадо6драцен 8


  What to take, what to leave How important are material possessions when you’re trying to save your life Packages from Ukraine – filled with everything and nothing – wait patiently under a bridge to be found, while a voice stirs memories of frivolous and treasured personal effects, in an apparent heart-breaking farewell letter to Kiev.

КорольЛр:якмишукалилюбовпдчасвйниDmytroHreshko 9


  The movie portrays the experiences of Eastern Ukrainian immigrants forced to leave their homes due to the full-scale war in the country. Hreshko, the director of Between the Sky and the Mountains, was among those who sought refuge in the Transcarpathian city of Uzhhorod. There, he met Vyacheslav Egorov, the director of the local theatre, and other locals who helped displaced pe...

萤火虫,蓝眼睛 4



在乌克兰 1


  A few months after the start of the Russian invasion, Piotr Pawlus and Tomasz Wolski (1970, VdR 2021) decide to depict the conflict from a distance. More sociological than individual, In Ukraine calmly and forcefully captures the tragedy and the bravery of people and the futility and cruelty of war, while outlining the new normality of a besieged state, in all its absurdity.

东部战线 9


  A time-lapse documentary shot by Ukrainian DoP and volunteer paramedic Yevhen Titarenko. It depicts the life of medical staff near the front line in 2014 and 2022. Titarenko followed a unit of paramedics around and managed to get a peek into their private lives.

IDidnotWanttoMakeaWarFilm 2


  A full-scale invasion found the Kyiv director in a small Bedouin village in the Middle East. It was warm, safe, and unbearably far from home. Once the director had a prophetic dream. She decided to return to Kyiv, still the hostilities were unfolding. Despite the condemnation of relatives and the long journey, she finally managed to cross the threshold of her home. But the hous...

Weightless 10


  Khrystyna Bunii travels solo across remote south-west Ukraine in pursuit of her anthropological research. As she encounters people and digitises their family photo archives, conversations and interconnections emerge. Conducting visual research into the trans-national region of Hutsulshchyna, Bunii pursues a political practice of self-narration from the margins of representation...

寂静中苏醒 4


  A former Wehrmacht military base is the venue for a confrontation with past and present. The building, its premises and fixtures are an architectural reminder of the war in Germany and now serve as accommodation for refugees from Ukraine. waking up in silence is a subtle documentary portraying the daily life of children in a refugee camp and letting it unfold in unobtrusive obs...

铁蝴蝶 10


  In summer 2014, sunflower fields and coal mines in eastern Ukraine turn into a 12 square kilometers crime scene. A multi-layered investigation into the downing of flight MH17, in which a butterfly-shaped shrapnel found in the pilot's body implicated the state responsible for a war crime that remains unpunished.