"乌克兰语" 共找到影视: 375 部

我的时代英雄 1


  When Zhorik moves to Kyiv, he has high hopes to improve his life. But then he encounters the mundane struggles, bureaucracy, and corruption of Ukrainian reality.

隐形阵营 8


  The first full-length documentary film project on the participation of Ukrainian women in the war with Russia. Six female stories told by three directors who will show the war as it is. You will see that Ukrainian women are fighting along with men on equal terms, and Russian soldiers are just winning. History, our war on the path to victory, which is happening right now.

樱桃之夜 1



狂暴山野 5


  Rumours of the death of easterns are not true. On the contrary. Ukrainian Jaroslav Lodygin (31) has produced a grotesque and amusing film with sharply social undertones, refreshing the formulae of the genre.
  Herman is forced to return from Kharkiv to this native town in Donbas in order to take over his brother’s petrol station which the cross-border mafia has its eye on. The wi...

血汗拳击 6


  • 已完结
  • 2017  

  Film tells an exciting story of a confrontation between talented boxer and criminal patrons of mixed fights MMA.

斑鸠之巢 9


  It is a story that resonates for a generation of Ukrainian women - working in a foreign land to build a better future for their family back home. However, where there may be financial rewards, the personal costs may be high. Ukrainian woman, Darynka is returning home after several years working in Italy. She left for Italy to find work to support her family in Bukovina in the c...

Nowyswiat 7


  A story about a group of immigrants living in Poland.

Goridimlyat 2


  根据小说雅罗斯拉夫加兰。乌克兰西部,与罗马尼亚的边界。伊万Semeniuk(一Gavrilyuk),当地的“罗宾汉”是结婚Marichka(N.Sumska)爱上了指挥官的年轻妻子瀑布 - 奥尔加(O.Bytyukova)。禁忌之爱......背叛......渐渐地,他们意识到不能没有对方,决定逃走,但查克会给他们的关系司令...

处之泰然 4


  主角,继承医生Tolik,下班开除与患者的斗争。英雄认为这个事件一个好兆头,开始新的生活。终于圆了他成为一个“自由”诗人的梦想,如果你是幸运的 - 即使是著名的,因为他写的诗,和真正的好。我很高兴,这一次将是下一个老朋友斯拉维克,谁知道一切,什么是生命的意义,如何赚钱,怎样才能快乐。它涉及了一系列在碎片几乎失去了一切,他有荒谬的局势的功臣。也许是家庭和冒险斯拉维克的戏剧性局面成为真正写的诗好,然后进入装配了动力。

卢森堡 8


  A policeman who works as a watchman in the exclusion zone after the Chernobyl disaster – an area the size of Luxembourg

亮夜 8


Zhenskieslyozy 7


KrieginEuropa-DasUkraine-DramaSeason1 8


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2022  

  The conflict in the Donbass, a secessionist region of Ukraine, began in 2014, after the fall of pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych and the election of Petro Poroshenko. Playing on the divisions in the country, Moscow annexed Crimea and encouraged the Donbass to declare its secession. Since then, the war has claimed more than 14,000 victims and no political solution has yet...

世纪疑案:恐怖伊凡 3


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2019  


颜色革命·十年反思 6


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2014  

  《顏色革命·十年反思》(英语:Decades Reflection Color Revolution)是香港亞洲電視有限公司2014年製作的紀錄片。此片以客觀的視角,深入的採訪開拓出香港紀錄片未有之領域,大受中國內地、香港、澳門等地觀眾之歡迎。節目在2014年5月4日起逢星期日20:30-21:30於本港台播映,並于22:00-23:00亞洲台重播,以及在亞洲電視網頁上提供節目重溫。