"乌克兰语" 共找到影视: 375 部

Vimana 9


Вторгнення 10


  公元前1000年Rutoyiniv文明已经用在地球的星球殖民地的所有资源。自那时以来,这个星球变得不适合种植“原始人” - 即有灵魂的生命形式。寻找新行星没有结果,他们仍然生活只有十年,如果有一天“搜索引擎”不上一个名为“地球”的行星遇到...

Чорнобиль22 5


  In 1986 there was an enormous nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. Another one could have happened in 2022 when Russian soldiers entered the site of the power plant. Their presence, luckily a short one, was recorded by an anonymous cameraman who captured passing convoys commenting the images with his voice full of fear. A few weeks later, the enemy’s tanks left the dangerous zone, bu...

Pokytuttykho. 4


  A young couple is torn from the world for one long night in a hotel room in a town near the border. That night they agreed not to talk about the war. Completely lost in each other' s small world, they don't realize when the morning comes and force them to go back to reality.

ИсторияпроСтаруюТолстуюДевочку.Главапятая:заметкипротупогоизлогобыка 1


  Alina Kleytman’s extended project ‘a story of the fat old girl’ constructs a layered narrative of the eponymous Fat Old Girl who lives in a world populated by subversively archetypical figures, such as the Dumb Angry Bull, Sharp-Nose Angry Beast or the Small Old Bitch. Employing and distorting the strategies of story-telling Kleytman constructs a perplexing tale of traumas and ...

月底 5


  Made under the auspices of the now-defunct Kyiv-based “runs collective” —which writer-director Oleg Isakov co-founded with Elias Parvulesco and Teta Tsybulnyk (they serve as producers here; see also Zong)—this is an austere fictional miniature populated by a small handful of alienated young city-dwellers. Their sparse monologues and dialogues occupy a limbo of quasi-communicat...

朋友们的新城市 7


  The video performance depicts modern Kolomyia, where the cult of Austria-Hungary coexists with the post-Soviet reality: the developer hires a team of builders who, with thrift, brick by brick, dismantle old and uninhabitable real estate. Meanwhile, the artists invite fifteen-year-old Maksym to draw a walking route in Kolomyia: through the guide’s narration, the map of the city ...

光荣革命 7


  In 2014 at the height of the Ukrainian revolution, a mother loses her son who is killed while protesting in Independence Square. Her attempt to bury him as a hero clashes with corruption in the bureaucratic system, testing her view of Ukraine.

利沃夫之夜 4


  Polia, Solomia and Maria play in the local theatre. After the performance, they meet a guy and meander through the night city together. Polia seems to fall in love with him. In the morning he will leave the city and they will not see each other again.
  Sometimes an evening can feel like a lifetime (in the positive sense). You meet new friends, end up in unexpected locations, s...

青年时代 2



Chervonaruta 10



Шантрапа 2


  Shantrapa - 一个充满活力,乐趣,音乐剧,剧情铺设官员文艺生活的所有跌宕起伏。该剧荣获大奖赛国际戏剧节“斯拉夫会议”的国际戏剧节(1994年,乌克兰)文凭“戏剧无国界”(俄罗斯),“经典今日”(乌克兰,第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克),“黑海“(土耳其)。
  经过多年的复兴在剧场“轮”的发挥。首先,“Shantrapa”写帕纳斯Saksaganskogo并得到了戏剧的特点。一旦它与剧团一起Saksaganskogo扮演玛丽亚扎尼科韦齐卡。但后来该剧被遗忘了很多年。而现在,剧场“轮”的主任伊琳娜Klischevska把表现在他的戏剧。 “Shantrapa”返回。
  在这部戏展示了幕后剧团的生活。演员也是人类。随着他们的问题和烦恼,争吵和阴谋。爱与奉承,嫉妒 - 都并不陌生任何人。主要特点是紧密相连的,每个分配一个特定类型的人。另外在玩“Shantrapa...

Трубач 1


  Kolya Shevchenko is a young trumpeter in children's' brass orchestra " Berezil". He brilliantly plays, but also tries to write his own music which attracts attention of a famous band's frontman. On the way to success some "problems of adult life" happen: envy, rivalry, intrigues. But friendship, mutual help and love help to overcome everything and win. Written by Polina Koposov...

顿巴斯营在2014年的伊洛瓦里安 7


  Based on a true story. Two fighters of 'Donbas' Volunteer Battalion get locked inside city of Ilovaysk after regular Russian army enters Ukraine and shells the surrounded divisions of Ukrainian Army in qigou.cc the infamous would-be 'green corridor'. The fighters survive thanks to the help of the locals and manage to break out through the front line to reach the freed territory...

刺杀:一场发生在慕尼黑的谋杀案 10


  The flood of refugees at the conclusion of World War II grew to near Biblical proportions. Europe was a shattered continent from east to west. Ukraine bore the brunt of the destruction: its people displaced, divided, and forced to flee their native land.
  Thousands of Ukrainians, ‘Ostarbeiters’ (Eastern workers), once-interned soldiers awaiting to learn their fate, forced out by...