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Abandoned:ExpeditionShipwreckSeason1 8


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2021  

  In the all-new series, ABANDONED: EXPEDITION SHIPWRECK, experts follow investigations around the world that reveal the most epic, infamous and notorious shipwrecks from throughout history.
  From wartime disasters to commercial ship collisions, this series exposes the many volatile risks at sea and how they've shaped regulations and technological advancements, and also pieces tog...

SanFranciscoSounds:APlaceInTime 7


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2023  

  The two-part docuseries aims to capture the “creative explosion” that catalyzed a generation and solidified a national movement. It delves into the vibrant period between 1965 and 1975 when festivals such as Monterey Pop, Altamont and Woodstock put Bay Area acts in the spotlight.

大都会好滋味 1


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2012  


VirusHunting:FromCavetoCovid 10


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2020  

  As the world battles COVID-19, a team of experts from across the globe are in a race to shed light on how this virus emerged. At the center of their research: bats, often considered patient zero for most of the deadly viruses recently affecting humans. Follow these scientists from the forests of Cambodia to the urban underpasses of Singapore to the bat archives of the Smithsoni...

RickSteves'Europe:BestoftheAlps 1


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2021  

  加入里奇·史蒂夫斯的高山探险之旅,乘坐风景优美的火车,乘坐令人叹为观止的缆车,观赏雄伟的冰川,进行令人难忘的徒步旅行。我们征服意大利的多洛米蒂山脉(The Dolomites)和奥地利的楚格峰(Zugspitze)。在瑞士,我们欣赏马特宏峰(Matterhorn)和阿彭策尔峰(Appenzell)的美景。在法国,我们从夏慕尼(Chamonix)出发,乘坐缆车登上米迪山(Aiguille du Midi),徒步游览标志性的勃朗峰环线(Tour du Mont Blanc, TMB)。
  Studio: Cinedigm

RescuedChimpanzeesoftheCongowithJaneGoodallSeason2 1


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2022  

  **SEASON 2** Filmed over a year on location at Dr. Jane Goodall’s chimpanzee sanctuary in the Republic of Congo, this is the moving story of one of the most ambitious and scientifically rigorous wilderness reintroduction programs ever attempted. A group of orphaned chimpanzees is being prepared for reintroduction into the wilderness. It’s a challenging prospect, as the chimps h...

RescuedChimpanzeesoftheCongowithJaneGoodallSeason1 5


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2021  

  For over half a century, Dr. Jane Goodall has had a vision to create a better world for all. Integral to this vision is the idea that every individual has a role to play and is important – both human and nonhuman animals alike. That is why Jane founded Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center in the Republic of the Congo. For 30 years, the sanctuary has served as a safe hav...

TheLesbianBarProjectSeason1 3


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2022  

  In 1980 there were 200 Lesbian Bars in the US. Today there are fewer than 25. This 3 part series transports us to Houston, Phoenix, and New York to spotlight the human stories behind the few remaining Lesbian Bars in the country.

大森林的主人 1


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2011  

  解说:Sean Pertwee

幕布之后 6


  • 已更新至18集
  • 2019  

  收录在《Twin Peaks:from Z to A》中的独占幕后花絮,分 18 个部分,每一部分对应正片每一集的内容,按照剧情发展的顺序整理剪辑,事无巨细地记录了拍摄《双峰:回归》全过程,也可以让我们一窥大卫·林奇的工作状态。

美食大揭密2.0第三季 8


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2016  

  精采絕倫的《美食大揭密2.0》帶你認識美國最受歡迎零食背後的神奇製作過程、引人入勝的故事和趣味橫生的人物。由阿方索里貝羅 Alfonso Ribeiro 擔綱主持,無論是童年的經典零食,還是最新的糖果風潮,《美食大揭密2.0》無所不包。不管你是螞蟻人還是鹹食控,喜歡鬆脆感還是黏稠感,《美食大揭密2.0 》帶你直擊這些零食背後的製作過程。
  Season 3, Episode 1 Backyard Cookout
  Season 3, Episode 2 Local Legends
  Season 3, Episode 3 Tongue Twister
  Season 3, Episode 4 Layers of Flavors
  Season 3, Episode 5 Inside Job
  Season 3, Episode 6 It's a Rainbow

TheCaptainSeason1 9


  • 已更新至7集
  • 2022  

  《The Captain》講述了棒球明星德瑞克基特(Derek Jeter)扣人心弦的故事。當時正值紐約市發生巨大變化,德瑞克基特加入了紐約洋基隊,使這個陷入困境的球隊回到了之前輝煌的一線棒球球隊的地位。德瑞克進入了美國棒球名人堂。
  Episode 1 - No Blueprint for Success
  Episode 2 - Loyalty One Way
  Episode 3 - I Don't Have to Be Your Best Friend
  Episode 4 - Bigger than Baseball
  Episode 5 - Hiding in Plain Sight
  Episode 6 - Never Gave Up a Day in My Life
  Episode 7 - A Star in the Fabric
  The ser...

RickSteves'ArtofEuropeSeason1 7


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2022  

  《Rick Steves Art of Europe》是里奇三十年来在公共电视台展示欧洲伟大艺术和建筑的巅峰之作。这部雄心勃勃的六集节目将欧洲最伟大的杰作编织成一个引人入胜的故事,既寓教于乐,又鼓舞人心。从攀登苏格兰偏远小岛上的史前古墓,到登顶米开朗基罗在梵蒂冈的宏伟穹顶,从在闪闪发光的法国宫殿中翩翩起舞,到思考毕加索和梵高的天才之作,里奇对艺术的执着就像他对旅行的执着一样——让艺术变得生动有趣、平易近人。
  1. Stone Age to Ancient Greece
  2. Ancient Rome
  3. The Middle Ages
  4. The Renaissance
  5. Baroque
  6. The Modern Age

长命百岁:蓝色宝地的奥秘第一季 2



能源展望第一季 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2017  

  在本系列节目中,达拉斯·坎贝尔(Dallas Campbell)和卡里·拜伦(Kari Byron)走遍全球,与那些正在创造新方法为未来世界提供能源的创新者会面。世界面临着巨大的挑战——我们习惯了一按开关就能获得能源、快速的汽车和廉价快捷的交通工具;但我们如何在不破坏地球的情况下满足我们的需求?我们的主持人将揭示世界各地富有远见的大型和小型项目,并帮助创建一个新的能源装置。
  1. Americas
  2. Africa & China
  3. Europe