"美国" 共找到影视: 153148 部

寻找灵魂伴侣:逃离双生火焰宇宙 10



地底大探险第二季 3


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2017  

  有些技术性,有些神秘性,有些科学性,这个节目是《世界有奇事》和《寻谜博物馆》的总和,而且都是关于地下生物的。主持人罗伯·尼尔森(Rob Nelson)将利用激光雷达、探地雷达和各种类型的3D成像技术,讲述这个国家最奇怪的地下生物的故事。从错综复杂(并被遗忘)的下水道、洞穴、化学实验室和暗物质探测器,到失落的文明,这些图像展示了所有隐蔽、藏匿和陌生的生物。 咪咕视频
  S2 E1 - Legend of the Nazi Gold
  S2 E2 - King Solomon's Treasures
  S2 E3 - Tesla's Final Secrets
  S2 E4 - Doomsday Volcano Mystery
  S2 E5 - Atlantis in America
  S2 E6 - Mystery of the Ice Cave
  S2 E7 -...

龙卷风走廊第二季 3


  • 已更新至12期
  • 2015  


SpaceTitans:Musk,Bezos,Branson 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  

  A new age of space exploration has begun as three of the world's most successful entrepreneurs risk billions of dollars to launch a revolution in space travel, a visionary ambition necessary for humanity's enduring survival.
  Production company: Storied Media Group

太阳的黑暗秘密 9


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2012  

  科学家们使用最先进的宇宙飞船和地面望远镜来观察以前从未见过的太阳,并向我们重现了太阳核心的情况。从中心到0.25太阳半径是太阳发射巨大能量的真正源头,也称为核反应区。在这里,太阳核心处温度高达1500万度,压力相当于3000亿个大气压,随时都在进行着四个氢核聚变成一个氦核的热核反应。 爱奇艺视频
  解说:Lance Lewman
  联合制作:Duncan Copp LTD, National Geographic, NOVA/WGBH Boston

1883:西行之路 8


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2022  


TheFastHistoryOfSeason1 9


  • 已更新至15集
  • 2022  

  “The Fast History Of…” is a super-charged romp through the histories of anything from iconic brands like Nike, Domino’s and Nintendo to enthralling topics like The Mob, UFOs and The Secret Lives of Billionaires. From the very beginning through today, it’s all the surprising, eye-opening and innovative moments that make up their stories….delivered in 30 minutes or less!

美国超级日全食第一季 8


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2017  

  《美国超级日全食》01 日全食奇观
  《美国超级日全食》02 日全食观测实验
  《美国超级日全食》03 宇宙工程
  主持:Michael J. Massimino
  解说:Erik Dellums
  制作:[Pioneer Productions]

不乱搞实验室第二季 5


  • 已更新至10期
  • 2015  

  Kevin and Grant return to decipher what went wrong in the most outrageous videos and then attempt to recreate each experiment using science and a little creativity. From modifying a go-kart to beat a truck in a drag race, building a radio controlled bowling ball that can bowl a strike at will, and finding the fastest way to chill a drink in under a minute.
  S2 E1 - Game of Drone...

OneShot:OvertimeElite 6


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2023  

  Follows the highs and lows of seven of the top basketball players from US as they navigate challenges and training in pursuit of a professional career in the sport.

废弃建筑之谜第十季 10


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2023  

  The world's most incredible engineering projects are revisited to uncover why places full of mysteries and untold secrets are now abandoned ruins.
  S10 E1-Penthouse Palace
  S10 E2 - Castle Kingdom
  S10 E3 - Rock 'N' Roll Island
  S10 E4-K-Pop Dreamland
  S10 E5-The True Cross
  S10 E6-Blues Prison
  S10 E7 - Fake News Fortress
  S10 E8 - Turkish Wonderland

Computersv.Crime 2


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2022  

  In police departments and courts across the country, artificial intelligence is being used to help decide who is policed, who gets bail, how offenders should be sentenced, and who gets parole. But is it actually making our law enforcement and court systems fairer and more just This timely investigation digs into the hidden biases, privacy risks, and design flaws of this contro...

乔尔兰伯特前进福岛 5


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2018  


Deadlocked:HowAmericaShapedtheSupremeCourtSeason1 6


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2023  

  Documentary series examining the vital role the Supreme Court plays in the ongoing fight for civil liberties in the context of America’s shifting political landscape. From Chief Justice Warren in the early 20th Century through the latest sessions under Chief Justice Roberts, each of the four episodes features an in-depth look at pivotal cases that altered the state of the union...

超级机器第二季 2


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2020  

  In this landmark series, we reveal the extraordinary stories hidden deep inside the DNA of some of the world's most extreme machines. Each film unlocks the secrets, and surprising innovations concealed beneath the skin of a different iconic machine.
  S2 E1 - Goliath of the Sky
  S2 E2 - Cruise Ship Declassified
  S2 E3 - World's Fastest Boats
  S2 E4 - Monster Tanker
  S2 E5 - World's F...