"罗马尼亚" 共找到影视: 1411 部

无尽之爱间奏曲 1


  "The reappearance of Gopo's cartoon man, in a new suite of cosmic and terrestrial adventures, rewards our anticipation with new contributions to an original mythology. Earth was skipping rope like a naughty child, which aroused the wrath of the sun-father. Out of fear, the earth became entangled in the rope and hence the meridians and parallels that today entangle it and make i...

动画药片1 6


  The producer 's opinion "A new genre of films, launched by Gopo, at Mamaia1966, the film "pill" can be considered a reaction to the films made without a rigorous economy of means. Giving up the chain of gags that constitute the backbone of the animation dramaturgy, The "pill", whose length does not exceed a minute, depicts a single point, a single gag with ethical-philosophical...

药片电影II 9


徒步走世界 9


  An animated drama about a single father who attempts to explain to his young daughter things about death, courage and the absence of her mother.

TheBestCustomer 6


三个苹果 8


运动员的幽默 4


喂!喂! 2


  A comic history of telecommunications throughout the world.

七种艺术 10


  "In Short History I drew the story of the little man who is born of nature and then starts conquering nature by adorning her with flowers. I wanted to sketch in a few caricature lines the genesis of the seven arts, giving each one a maximum of one minute of projection. I wanted this small little man, without muscles and claws shaking from his own shadow, to become the master of...

Triunghiulmortii 8


月光下的枪声 5


  In the summer of 1947, in a mountain village, a former gendarme captain and legionnaire, hidden in the mountains, terrorizes an entire village.
  The action takes place when Visarion Olteanu, a former captain of the Gendarmerie, upset by many injustices that have been brought to him over time, begins to terrorize the population of a quiet and secluded village in the Carpathian Mo...

Zborpericulos 9


魔鬼的深渊 8


山的儿子 7


  外国间谍想通过绑架工程师的女儿阿丽娜,迫使工程师交出其掌握的重要机密。在旅行中间谍假扮游客安排与工程师的妻子和女儿巧遇,间谍与众匪徒伺机下手进行绑架活动。在险峻崎岖的山中,工程师的妻子和女儿遇见了机智果敢的山中少年马泰,他是这山中气象站的主人。马泰的出现打乱了坏蛋们的计划,经过一番惊险、紧张的斗智、斗勇,终 于,公安人员在马泰的协助下,擒获了间谍和匪徒,救出了阿丽娜。

兹罗提专列 6

