"罗马尼亚" 共找到影视: 1411 部

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  罗马尼亚著名儿童片导演Andrei Blaier的处女作,48分钟。黑白摄影VERYGOOD。5/5
  Ora H(Ora H) (Romania, comedie, alb-negru) )
  Descriere pe scurt:
  Pelicula este o ecranizare a nuvelei "Muzicua cu schimbtor" de Nicu Tnase. Aciunea filmului scoate n eviden practice nefireti, precum denunul paricid.
  Descriere detaliata:
  Pelicula este o ecranizare a nuvelei "Muzicua cu schimbtor" de Nicu Tnase. A...

仲夏日的微笑 7


  罗马尼亚经典乡村爱情喜剧片。故事很有趣也很传统,能看到和听到不少旧时期的罗马尼亚民歌和民间舞蹈,怀旧一下,感觉不错。IMDB评分9.1。MY RATING 5+

怪物行动 10


  11 out of 11 people found the following comment useful:-
  One of the best comedies ever!, 10 July 2005
  Author: Ana_Banana from Romania
  This is one of my favorite movies! I am not tired of watching it again, yet. It definitely deserves to be promoted worldwide (anyway, after repairing its technical flaws). The delight is continuous due to its subtle situation humor and the formid...

派出所系列:警报 9


  11 out of 11 people found the following comment useful:-
  An excellent Romanian comedy! They don't do them like they used to..., 2 June 2005
  Author: Chitan Adrian (spoon_qb) from Romania
  The movie is about the Miscellanious Brigade of the Bucharest Police and their extraordinary cases that they end up solving. All their cases start like a real misc. case (a dog was stolen, someo...

烟斗、性与煎鸡蛋 6


  Victor has an attraction for Filip's wife, Filip has an attraction for Victor's wife. Victor and Filip are neighbors but inspite of this, are friends...

Minte-mafrumosnCentrulVechi 7


少年宫 9


  Set in Bucharest after the fall of Ceauescu, Pioneers' Palace captures the chaotic essence of the time. Based on the director's own experience, the story follows a group of Romanian teenagers who, driven by the unprecedented freedoms of a free-market economy, open a disco in their high school. Surrounded by entrepreneurial opportunity and almost no limits, the teens visit Buch...

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  A concrete expert is torn between his family, who wants to settle in a city, and his work, which requires constant relocating.

AltLoveBuilding 9


武士王后布狄卡 2


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罗马尼亚火** 2


  During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.
  Between 1714-1716 Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir,living in Constantinople, writes his History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire,outlining the eventual causes of the fall of the Empi...

萨宾娜 6


  The true story of a young Romanian woman in the late 1930's who falls in love with the man of her dreams but her idyllic life is abruptly interrupted by the invasion of the Nazi's. She becomes one of 20th century's true greats.

小丑的生活 7


  The film tells the story of a man that goes through life being an actual clown. Not by choice, he was just born this way.

球员大脚奇奇 3


  About a chick born with a big paw, who thanks to this "deformity" becomes a world-famous footballer.