"瑞士" 共找到影视: 2365 部

KaceyMottetKlein,naissanced'unacteur 7


  How does a child become an actor And how does the acting profession influence his or her relationship to the world In Ursula Meier’s documentary teenage Kacey Mottet Klein answers these very questions. Following the road from the playground to the film set, the film presents a study of how mind and body mature before the camera lens.

正确之道 4



数百万人可以行走 10


盧蒙巴:先知之死 1


  在這套紀錄片中,導演訪問了與盧蒙巴有直接連繫或見證剛果獨立的人物,例如盧蒙巴的女兒、盧蒙巴所屬**的新聞部長、比利時媒體機構、 國際記者等等。在真實歷史片段和人物訪問之間,導演像寫詩一般加插現代布魯塞爾城市景觀,並低聲絮語道來他對於歷史、生命的觀點和感悟。

白色竞技场——1928年圣莫里茨冬季奥运会 10


  The Winter Olympics of 1928 in St. Moritz were the first professionally recorded on film. Fanck created a new type of Olympic chronicle: now it was a regular news coverage intended for full-fledged evening screenings at theatres. Although he had only tow cameras he managed to shoot 30000 meters of film which he used to create a poetic spectacle filled with free play of fantasy ...

尼基·德·圣法尔:谁是妖怪?你还是我? 7


  In the sixties the painter and sculptor Niki de Saint Phalle started her career with shooting paintings, reliefs that were fired at with paint bags. She became famous and popular for her Nanas, colorful sculptures of big and cheerful women, and for the cooperation with Jean Tinguely. The frame of this film is a tour through her tarot garden in Tuscany.

码头工人 1


  After 40 years Alain Tanner again travels to the port of Genoa, where he worked for a shipping company as a 22-year-old. On the back of his own memories he depicts the rough world of the dockworkers, another of those trades that has undergone fundamental changes as a result of recessions, modernisation and liberalisation. “The visual impression of the harbour and the city has c...

DieErschiessungdesLandesverrtersErnstS. 1


  Based on the research of historian Maienberg, the film examines the fate of one of the 17 traitors executed during WW II for opposing local bigwigs against Nazi Germany.

MiddleOfTheMoment 6


  A cinepoem about nomadic life by Nicolas Humbert and Werner Penzel

只想与你再过一小时 3


  意大利的纪录片制作者Alina Marazzi试着找回她的母亲,在1972年,她7岁的时候,母亲离开了她。通过零碎的家庭影像,曾经写下的日记,女导演通过这样一个影像作品向观众展示最平凡、最伟大的母爱。

转机议会 6



ASenseofLoss 10


昌迪加尔的一座城 7


  When, in 1947, a portion of Punjab province was assigned to the newly created Pakistani State, Albert Mayer began planning a new capital for the portion which remained in the possession of India. Le Corbusier had been responsible since the 1950s for general planning and, more particularly, for large-scale buildings typical of the governmental sector. A year after the death of L...