"瑞士" 共找到影视: 2365 部

交易天堂 2


肮脏的黄金战争 2


Chutzpah–Qualcosasulpudore 10


  Chutzpah is a Hebrew word that can be translated as 'insolent'. To deal with an emotional and professional crisis, Monica starts filming everything: her private life becomes a narrative. As she publicly shares her intimate diary, the filmmaker wonders where the boundaries of privacy lie and how much filming and filming herself is a part of her life and a chance to reflect on he...

巨匠再见 10


  “JLG is like a sun, as soon as you get too close to it, you burn. If you ignore it, you miss the light.” Respected Swiss director Thomas Imbach on the “God of Cinema” who, as both man and filmmaker, has kept him spellbound his whole life. Chancing upon images of the ailing grand master, he was inspired to set off on foot on a pilgrimage from Lakes Zurich to Geneva to pay tribut...

FloatingIslands 3


  Through a combination of hypnotic, at times enigmatic images and sound fragments, Floating Islands is constructed through a free and associative montage, resulting in a delicate filmic poem. Simone Fürbringer and Nicolas Humbert invite us to take part in a journey through their artistic world, paying tribute to the cinematographic voices they hold dear.

Transes,ReiteraufdemtotenPferd 9


  A contemplation on night travelling in various weather conditions through seemingly endless landscapes in Europe, only briefly disrupted by shreds of conversation in a foreign language.

成为玛丽莲 3


丹泽尔·华盛顿:美国悖论 3


  In 30 years of a deeply committed career and 50 roles, Denzel Washington, double-Oscar winner, placed the figure of the Black man in all its complexity at the heart of the American paradoxes: from Black activist, rebel soldier to gangster torn between violence and charity. Voted best actor of the 21st century by the New York Times a few months ago, Denzel Washington, 65, has ri...

尊严的DNA 1


  In the anonymity of the mass graves, a team of forensic scientists is looking for the last usable traces of human DNA. Their goal: to give the victims back their names and dignity.

我们的社区乌托邦 3


  After May 1968, they experimented communities, squats, or free love, with the hope of real change. Today, at retirement age, they live in new places and promote ways of living better and growing old together, between eco-neighbourhoods, cooperatives, and participatory neighbourhoods, where it is a question of common goods and sharing. And what if these former protesters, whose ...

Krhen-NatureIsWatchingUs 5


  No animal knows us better than crows. Wherever humans are present, crows can also be found. They follow farmers and hunters, warriors and executioners, and scour agricultural fields and gardens, battlefields and disaster zones. There is no revolution they have not witnessed at close range. Bloodbath or feast, they have gazed at both countless times as our chroniclers. As our om...

生人之旅 10


  En 1970 et grace aux premières photos de la planète bleue en son entier rapportées des récentes expéditions lunaires, la Terre entre dans la conscience mondiale comme l’espace de vie partagé par tous les humains. Henry Brandt réalise alors ce film poétique sur l’état du monde, l’industrie galopante, l’écologie, les profonds bouleversements humains.

灵魂呐喊 10


  Painter Joe Boehler, a former soldier, boxer and self-taught artist, says he had to choose between killing people and creating art. This documentary shows how great artists convert trauma into something beautiful and meaningful.

苏黎伯恩斯 8



WagyuConfidential 5


  Mirazur, Argentine-born chef Mauro Colagreco's 3 Michelin starred restaurant on France's Mediterranean coast, was awarded Best Restaurant in the World on the eve of the pandemic. Not content to rest on their laurels, Colagreco and his diverse team soldiered on through the global tragedy of the lockdown, boldly reimagining the restaurant's concept and menu to reflect their dedic...