"南非" 共找到影视: 814 部

禁止调头 2


  As a young man, Ike Nnaebue tried to flee to Europe. Twenty years later, he retraces the steps of his journey back then to find out what motivates young people today to expose themselves to the dangers of a passage into an uncertain future.

难以为家 7


  Akuol de Mabior is the daughter of a martyr of the revolution in South Sudan. As her mother is sworn in as vice president, the young woman tries to find out if this country torn by civil war can ever become her home.

海岸线的掠食者 2


  Directed by Graeme Duane. With Rupert Graves. The southern coast of Africa features an array of battlefields as diverse as the predators who reign over them. In this concentrated mix of environments,…

我站在这儿 5


  A life-affirming documentary that celebrates the remarkable life of Ella Blumenthal. At her 98th birthday celebrations she opens up to close friends and family about her story of survival during the Holocaust, in a way she has never done before. Her recollections, depicted through dynamic 2D animation, include tales of three concentration camps, and of narrowly escaping death i...

我们是ZamaZama 10


  The Zama Zama Project is an experimental documentation of ruinous postindustrial mining life in southern Africa. It is also an act of witnessing. The men and women of The Zama Zama Project are the forgotten, the ghosts in the machine of modern extractivism, the scavengers of its extravagant waste. They are also the authors of the stories told to Rosalind Morris, and form the co...

我的章鱼老师 3


  在花了数年时间拍摄地球上一些最危险的动物后,克雷格·福斯特疲惫不堪、情绪低落,并且家庭关系也陷入混乱之中。他决定暂停自己的事业,并回到家乡南非开普敦,重返海岸附近的海藻林,这里的神奇水下世界是他的原点。近十年来,克雷格每天都要在冰冷的海水中潜水,在地球上捕食者最密集的地方之一脱掉 潜水服和潜水装备。他遇到并追踪的普通章鱼最初是他的研究对象,然后成为了他的老师,向他展示了人类从未见过的东西。《我的章鱼老师》拍摄用时超过 8 年,拍摄了 3000 个小时,记录了独特的友谊和互动以及前所未见的动物智慧。

说盖尔语的男人们 9


  Entertainer Nathan Kennedy, who speaks Gayle, the South African cant that flourished during the Apartheid era, meets Louis van Brakel, a much older user of the secret language, and interviews him on stage at the Showroom, Prince Albert.

南极洲:通往白色沙漠的旅途 3


  Antarctica - Journey into the White Desert A vast white wilderness that stretches across the south of our planet; a giant natural laboratory that has long occupied the human psyche. Antarctica is a continent of remote natural wonder. For brief moments each year this hauntingly beautiful landscape opens up, beckoning scientists and explorers from around the world to investigate ...

自相残杀的日子 3


  Documentary meets genre cinema in this Western from today’s Lesotho, where modern pioneers of capitalism clash with local traditions, and aspiring Chinese merchants compete for supremacy with traditional Basotho cattle breeders.

死因 2


  Women’s bodies are always at risk. An autopsy report describes the physical impact on the body that results in death but hides the structural and recurrent violence on women’s bodies that leads to femicide. Through archival film footage, animation and spoken word poetry an experience of structural violence against women is exposed.

舆论制造公司 8



老虎黑帮 5



剩食终结者 8


  「当人们扔掉的食物比吃掉的还多,我们正对地球进行无声的施暴。」——《浪费:全球粮食危机解密》,史都华(Tristram Stuart)

GamblingonExtinction 2


  GAMBLING ON EXTINCTION is a powerful documentary that takes you from the killing fields in Kenya and South Africa to the trading hubs of Vietnam and China with undercover investigators, rangers, ex-poachers, conservationists and buyers. Director Jakob Kneser exposes the lethal mechanisms of the global trade, the terrorist connection, explains who the customers are, what generat...

格陵兰犬的故事 1

