"1970" 共找到影视: 2604 部

当我十四岁 4


  They are now no longer children. Young citizens define themselves. The time before the "Jugendweihe" and their celebration. They visit Weimar, the former concentration camp Sachsenhausen, the oil processing plant Schwedt, and decide whether they'll work after the 8th class, study up to the 10th class or to make the Abitur in the district town.

ProPatria 7


  This film employing original film shots and photos of World War I. deals with the question of war and piece.

すばらしい蒸気機関車 8



路德维希·凡 2


  A report by Mauricio Kagel
  Book, Musical Arrangements and directed by: Mauricio Kagel
  Sound: H. Garbowski, E. Thomas, O. Ziegler
  Camera: Rudolf Krsi
  Costumes: Gisela Rcken
  Script: Marty Vlasak
  Assistant director: Wilhelm Bruck
  Producer: Victor Staub
  Production: 1969 at WDR Studio, Kln and locations near Kln/Bonn
  Ifage-Filmproduktion, Wiesbaden, and WDR, Kln
  Cast in alphab...

关于描写污秽之地小说的笔记 5


  意大利导演帕索里尼的纪录片之一,收录在2005年的Come si fa a non amare Pier Paolo Pasolini一片里,原摄于1970年,导演为米莫·卡罗普莱斯蒂 Mimmo Calopresti。

“BlueMovie”的历史 2


  Blue Movie解释是:单身电影

NakedandViolent 2


卡塔克 9


  Traces the history of Indian Kathak dance. Various aspects of Kathak technique such as Thaat (grace), Amad and Paran (pure dance), Gath (nritya or delineation of a story),

街景 5


大杰克 4


日本解放战线·三里塚 6



雪貂的脑壳 7


  Gratinirani mozak Pupilije Ferkeverk (1970) aka The Gratinated Brains of Pupilia Ferkeverk
  This short was taken from extras on Splav Meduze DVD.
  How did this movie come about Well, it was the brainchild of Karpo Godina, who got his start by serving on the crews of a number of commercial movies. Then he started making short films, outside the studio system, on his own. In the U...

巴托克:夜之曲 2


AmerigoTot 10


  匈牙利雕刻家Amerigo Tot,作品与人,粗粝苏醒的手,拂去灰尘的手表和镜子。筑巢燕子、街上的母鸡,一张闲适的全家福。人人网。

能言善辩的农民 5


  Based on one of the major literary texts survived from the Middle Kingdom, the classical period of Egyptian literature, The Eloquent Peasant is a combination of a morality/folk tale and a poem. The events are set between 2160 and 2025 BC. When the peasant Khun-anup and his donkey stumble upon the lands of the noble Rensi, the peasant’s goods are confiscated and he’s unjustly ac...