"1970" 共找到影视: 2604 部

一条叫胜利的街道1969/70 3


  The region of Boca do Lixo in So Paulo and the people from the cinematographic environment that circulated there are recorded in photographs by the director Ozualdo Candeias.

RaviShankar 3


生人之旅 10


  En 1970 et grace aux premières photos de la planète bleue en son entier rapportées des récentes expéditions lunaires, la Terre entre dans la conscience mondiale comme l’espace de vie partagé par tous les humains. Henry Brandt réalise alors ce film poétique sur l’état du monde, l’industrie galopante, l’écologie, les profonds bouleversements humains.

动物园:浪漫的森林 8


  这部关于哥本哈根北部森林公园鹿园的电影是为庆祝鹿园300周年而拍摄的。Leth和画家Per Kirkeby首先想要拍一部关于森林生活的有吸引力的电影,这部电影围绕四季展开。摄影作品的灵感来自丹麦黄金时代画家对自然的看法。Kirkeby、Leth和DP Henning Camre断断续续地工作了整整一年,寻找理想的光线和最佳的构图,寻找真正的美。

妮娜:一个历史视角 3


维斯康蒂的威尼斯 4


说服之语 3


  Short documentary about the ideology of publicity and mass medias.

E.M.福斯特 6


西伯利亚大铁路 9


  Documentation of the 'action for the camera' by Beuys from 1970. "Transsibirische Bahn nannte Joseph Beuys seine Aktion für die Kamera, die er 1970 aufzeichnen lie. Der Künstler ist ihr einziger Akteur, der, in einen weien Pelz gekleidet, den Betrachter mit den Worten Gesprch am Strand zu lang (den einzigen des Films) auf die Atmosphre eines Existenzraums voller unvertr...

PlayBack 6


兄弟的中国人民使者 4



JimDine:London 5


  A concentrated look at one of America's early Pop artists, the film was made during Dine's 4-year residency in London. Actively at work in his studio on several large collages, one can clearly see Dine's masterful balance of artistic freedom and control, as he adds and modifies illusionistic images, written words and real life objects to his compositions.
  The artist talks about...

Identifications-FernsehausstellungII 6


  Identifications is a distinct attempt to reveal artistic concern with television production. In this film, the camera's role varied fro m simple observation to active interaction, and in many instances a means to investigate the established television frame. This final Fernsehgalerie production exhibited what Schum asserted as the new mode of art experience: "(...) We no longer...