"1968" 共找到影视: 2689 部

布拉格清唱剧 7


  A unique document of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, the movie was begun as a documentary about the liberalization of Czechoslovakia and then became a record of the entry of Russian tanks into Prague. The only filmed footage of the Soviet invasion, it was seen by more than 600 million people when broadcast on television, and it was the first information that the ...

笑声,爱,夜晚 1


  Fast cut scenes of people shooting each other, eating spaghetti, walking in a forest etc. Similar images as in AESCHENPLATZPOLIZIST. Lovely soundtrack made of equally cut up excerpts of songs by Jacques Dutronc und Nancy Sinatras-I Can't Grow Peaches On A Cherry Tree.

LaPartenza 5


  A street littered with papers. Legs of passers-by. A young man crosses the street. Then we find him in the middle of a discussion with a friend. “Are you still determined to leave” – Yes, I’m leaving today at five o’clock by plane. "

罗萨·冯·布劳恩海姆 2


宝拉-我马上回来 7


天堂就在我们上方 5


Cercul 6


  • 译名:
  • 类别:短片  
  • 语言:

  Several men from different backgrounds and with different professions are preparing, in silence and separately, for a mysterious meeting, which will take place at a height, on a tall building, as in American police thrillers. It is not clear their relationship, nor why they end up dueling spectacularly through interwar Bucharest (which seems), but the clash is very serious.

Odup-amiazobinuit 3


  A young railwayman, played by Florin Zamfirescu, is preparing for a meeting, in a humble hotel room, with a girl we never see, because he never arrives. The film made by Dan Pia presents in detail the ritual of the protagonist so excited by the prospect of the future adventure, and the jazz music that accompanies his movements creates a very invigorating atmosphere, sending to...

Cadene 9


  • 译名:
  • 类别:短片  
  • 语言:

  A nightmarish representation of the confusion of a distinguished teacher who faces the lack of attention and obedience of the new generation of young rebels.

铁轨上的桥 3


解剖课 10


小雄鹰 5



Schizy 5


  Barbara Hammer, 1968
  S8 mm film, Color/Silent, 4 min.

Monangambé 6


  Open City Documentary Festival 2023
  Monangambé deals with the torture of an Angolan resistance sympathiser by the Portuguese army.