"1968" 共找到影视: 2689 部

AMovableScene 3


修女采访 7


  In the politically fraught climate of Chicago in 1968, two young nuns crisscross the city in order to ask strangers the question, "Are you happy" The answers vary: "Happiness is the absence of fear," "Avoiding people," "Raspberries," "Joy in knowing Christ." They meet a lonely girl, a happy mother, young lovers, hippie musicians, a sociologist and even character actor Stepin F...

意大利式性交 6


  Using interviews and filmed reconstructions, the director analyzes eroticism from the period of breastfeeding, in which the newborn feels pleasure from contact with the mother's breast until reaching adulthood.

L'hommeetlesfrontières 4


TheWindIsDrivingHimTowardtheOpenSea 9


  A non-narrative patchwork of images, light, music, conversation, news headlines, the passing of generations, and, ultimately, a journey from New York City to Martha's Vineyard in an attempt to discover a man named Chandler Moore.

HannahArendt:OnWalterBenjamin 3


  A lecture by Hannah Arendt about the work and fate of Walter Benjamin given in January 1968 at the Goethe House in New York. A rare document. German with English subtitles.

瑞典:天堂和地狱 3



触摸影院 7


  Expanded cinema: ‘As always, the screening takes place in the dark. Only the movie theatre has become a bit smaller. There’s only room inside for two hands. In order to see the film, meaning in this case to sense and feel it, the viewer (user) must guide his or her two hands into the movie theatre by way of the entrance. With that, the curtain, which up till now was raised only...

Lebeauplaisir 5


  From the lower St. Lawrence, a picture of whale hunting that looks more like a round-up, with a corral, whale-boys and all. In 1534, when he stopped at the island he named L'Isle-aux-Coudres, Jacques Cartier saw how the Indians captured the little white beluga whales by setting a fence of saplings into off-shore mud. In the film, the islanders show that the old method still wor...

霍洛维茨:卡内基音乐厅钢琴独奏会 7


  Vladimir Horowitz's first television concert.

歌谣半世纪 7


  A documentary film presenting the behind stories of Korea's half century pop music history.

AbelGance:TheCharmofDynamite 2


  A 1968 entry in the BBC's venerable 'Omnibus' series, wherein film historian/collector/director/impresario and cheerleader without portfolio Kevin Brownlow asks the Musical question, Why has Abel Gance, this relentlessly inventive film artist of almost occult formal gift, been so comprehensively forgotten
  It is a question, admittedly, more pressing in 1968 (when Gance really w...

Detkrelegetj 10


  A look at what happened when Denmark abolished censorship in the late 1960s.

Fotografovanieobyvatelovdomu 1


  A documentary on the most beautifil and most tragic aspects of a family from the country.

都柏林怒火 1

