"1950" 共找到影视: 1361 部

世界一级方程式锦标赛第一季 10


  • 已更新至7期
  • 1950  

  The 1950 Formula One season was the fourth season of the FIA's Formula One motor racing. It featured the inaugural FIA World Championship of Drivers which commenced on 13 May and ended on 3 September, as well as a number of non-championship races. The championship consisted of six Grand Prix races, each held in Europe and open to Formula One cars, plus the Indianapolis 500, whi...

海底王国 6


  • 最新更新
  • 1950  

高露洁喜剧时间第一季 6


  • 最新更新
  • 1950  

  五十年代美国NBC电视台节目《高露洁喜剧时间》(The Colgate Comedy Hour)开播五年间共播出221集。节目邀请了当时的许多著名喜剧演员与艺人做嘉宾,如埃迪·坎特、马丁和刘易斯、艾伯特和卡斯特罗等。很多节目录像如今已经丢失。喜剧组合马丁和刘易斯(Martin and Lewis)主持并出演了期中28期节目,均被保存至今。

你的演出的演出 7


  • 已更新至139集
  • 1950  

  Live, original comedy originally featuring Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca. Carl Reiner and Howard Morris joined the show later. Two of the great skits on the show were "The Hickenloopers", a battling husband-and-wife team and the clock in the Bavarian town of Baverhoff which always broke when the hour was struck.

杰克·本尼秀 5


  • 最新更新
  • 1950  

  Jack Benny was a regular on his own radio program since 1932. He brought the program, with his underplayed humor, to TV along with his radio regulars. Jack, who remained 39-years-old, kept his money in his basement and drove his old Maxwell car just as he had done on the radio.

金蛋风波 6


  • 已更新至1集
  • 1950  

  On Porky Pig's farm, a goose lays a golden egg and says that Daffy Duck laid it. Daffy is quite willing to take the credit and resultant fame, that is until Rocky the gangster kidnaps Daffy and orders him at gunpoint to lay more!

BBC周日晚间剧场 5


  • 最新更新
  • 1950  

罗伯特·蒙哥马利引见 9


  • 已更新至324集
  • 1950  

  Hollywood actor-director-producer Robert Montgomery introduced each telecast, sometimes interviewing one of the stars and sometimes appearing in the play himself.

布拉索斯以西 2


TooHottoHandle 8


时刻准备着 4


  Unter der Regie von Dr. Kurt Maetzig wurde das "1. Deutschlandtreffen der Freien Deutschen Jugend" im Sommer 1950 erstmals in Farbe auf Zelluloid gebannt. Trotz Massenszenen und übermchtigen Demonstrationen bleibt der Blick auf das Individuum nicht verborgen. Die Haltung und die Gesichter der Jugendlichen lassen Leidenschaft und Freude spüren.

会有云开时 4



Pierwszyplon 10


CassinotoKorea 10


Bataillesurlegrandfleuve 5
