"1936" 共找到影视: 1201 部

穿越赤道 6


  Eiji Tsuburaya served both as director and cinematographer of this feature-length national policy documentary, supported by the naval ministry, which creates a sketch of life among cadets aboard a naval training vessel on a voyage around Indochina, Malaya, Hawaii, Australia, and the South Pacific islands. The film clearly outlines the economic motives behind Japan’s southward e...

永恒的森林 3


  One of most bizarre propaganda films celebrating nature and its meaning in forging the ideology of the Third Reich. It wasn't received very well by Goebbels and Hitler. I wouldn't even call it a National-Socialist propaganda. More like pangermanic, neopagan and ecologic one. It is also quite disturbing and doesn't go along the NSDAP line all the time. One can be surprised with ...

CherryBlossomTimeinJapan 2


英国人的餐桌 3


  This film deals with malnutrition in Britain. It focuses on the relationship between income and nutrition and suggests that government schemes can improve the current situation. It shows that people on low incomes are likely to be consuming insufficient nutrients, for instance, not enough calcium or iron and, as a result, are prone to diseases such as rickets and anaemia.

肖邦华丽大圆舞曲 1


  Performace of Chopin's Valse Brilliante by Alexander Brailovsky, one of 2 classical soundies that Ophüls made in Paris.
  As it comes from old VHS, some noises are detected, but I will put it for its rarity.

世界的年轻人 7


  Carl Junghans早年在捷克斯洛伐克拍片谋生,1935年回到德国为纳粹服务,拍摄了带有政治色彩的冬奥会宣传片,在《奥林匹亚》中,曾担任里芬斯塔尔的摄影师。二战期间辗转法国,最后去往美国,做过园艺师,风景和人像摄影师。1963年返回德国,定居慕尼黑。1967年,他将1930年拍过的影片《Takovy je zivot》拿到渥太华和墨西哥以及德国电视台展映,晚年曾去往摩洛哥以及非洲一些国家旅行。1975年,因其对影片《Filmband in Gold》的贡献,得到了电影节评审团的奖励。

Jeunefilleaujardin 2


三个梅斯基特人 7



挥霍无度 1


LoveinExile 3


Hofkonzert,Das 3


  Marta Eggerth is cast as Christine, a young singer who aspires to find out who her father was. Her odyssey brings her to the court of a mythical kingdom, where she is romanced by handsome lieutenant Walter (Johannes Heesters). He is warned not to lose his heart to a "commoner," but all turns out all right when King Serenissimus (Otto Tressler) turns out to be Christine's long-l...

DoomedCargo 1


SinnerTakeAll 4


MurderwithPictures 8


Muss'emUp 4


  A private detective is enlisted to find out who shot a dog and threatened its owner, but before long he's also involved in a kidnapping and murder plot.