"格鲁吉亚语" 共找到影视: 531 部

皮靴里的钉子 9


  Having naively assumed that Kalatozov without Urusevsky would be somewhat underwhelming, I was astounded to see the brilliance of the imagery and montage in his early silent works (both here and in Salt For Svanetia). The machine-gun editing is as exhilarating as anything I've seen, and would surely have Guy Maddin weeping tears of joy.
  I've no idea what the film is actually a...

外婆与孙子 1


  经典的格鲁吉亚乡村儿童片,女导演Nana Mchedlidze的作品并不常见。
  This film tells of the relationship between children and adults. Completed the Great Patriotic War. Little Zuriko, who is 6 years old, lives with his grandmother in a small Georgian village. The mother left the boy and his father at the front. Zuriko look forward to his father. But the father returned from the war is not one, it comes wit...

最孤独的星球 5


  • 已完结
  • 2011  


罪恶之人 2


  乔治·梅斯基是一位28 岁的副总工程师,当他偶然目睹一位著名足球守 门员被谋杀,他的平凡一生经历翻天覆地的改变。他悄悄去参加葬礼,监 视死者的遗孀和女儿。他不断回到犯罪现场,像感染了病毒一样,慢慢沉 迷于这一宗谋杀案。他对犯罪学产生了浓厚的兴趣,他研究罪犯们的面 孔,然而他所作的一切并不是为了寻找凶手。影片在创作上强调画面的叙 事性,采用章回体的叙事结构,讲述梅斯基从目击罪案开始,到变成杀人 犯这个危险旅程的内心斗争,探讨人性善恶的界限。入围威尼斯电影节地 平线单元。

抽签 7


  The late Georgian writer, filmmaker and university professor, Zaza Khalvashi, delivers a quirky yet genuine tale of mundanity in this posthumously produced feature. Drawing Lots is a vignette of a seaside community where an apartment block and courtyard serve as an amphitheatre for the mysterious power dynamics that play out in the residents’ intertwined lives.
  Reminiscent of t...

埃莉与拉鲁的奇异冒险 2


  Приключения Элли и Рару новое Грузия, СССР, 1987 г. 93 мин.
  Таинственный незнакомец дарит директору зоопарка пони Рару, утверждая, что тот может творить чудеса. Однако в скрытый потенциал скромной лошадки верит лишь девочка Элли. Взяв пони под свое покровительство, она отправляется вместе с ним на поиски прекрасной певицы Наяны в надежде, что та сможет вернуть Рару волшебный да...

幸福的会见 6


我,祖母,伊连科与伊拉里昂 10


  In the film, most evident talent Tengiz Abuladze to the poetic and philosophical generalization, grows out of ordinary, sometimes comic, sometimes sad but always simple facts of life. The film tells about the life in the Georgian village. And they cover a fairly significant piece of the life heroes: peace in the Great Patriotic War and the war years. Abuladze managed to save th...

你好,邻居! 3


  Границей между дворами Даты и Михи служила белая линия. Но свинья и куры постоянно нарушали эту границу. Тогда соседи возвели каменную стену. Однако теперь они не могли общаться друг с другом, и тогда стену снесли...

米米诺 7


  • 已完结
  • 1978  


第一只燕子 10


  "First Swallow" has the determined jollity of a political operetta. The Russian (Georgian) film, directed by Nana Mchedlidze, is about the efforts of some ferociously quaint Georgian men to organize themselves into a respectable soccer team at the turn of the century, but if you think that's all it's about, you are wrong. The fellow who pulls the team t...

Racha,chemisikvaruli 4


  Almost forgotten comedy with accents lyrickymi tells the druzbe two wine regions the same name, Slovakia and Georgia, but is based on the same cliché, including the love between Slovenkou and Gruzíncem. Until its fulfilment, must undergo numerous tests and to cope with the influx of various misunderstandings.

凯托与科托 10


  《凯托与科托》原本是格鲁吉亚史上第一部舞台音乐喜剧,由剧作家Victor Dolidze创作,1948年被改编成这部音乐电影,当时也获得了成功。
  The final fall of the aristocracy and the vital rise of the bourgeoisie in the 19th century. The wealthy merchant Makari their dreams for his daughter clean Keto with a noble person to marry. With the help of the famous koppelaarster Kabato he finds a suitable candidate, a prince of the very high descent. ...

危楼风波 8


  一幢年久失修的大楼座落在一条漫长的街上,街上行人稀疏,不时驶去几辆汽车。楼里某出版社的职工们成年累月地例行着每天八小时的工作。 这是一座古朴而又陈旧的建筑。楼内墙壁和顶棚已出现了裂纹,经常往下落石灰,挂在墙上的装饰画框也摇摇欲坠。这个出版社里的职工人数不多,气氛也显得沉闷。油漆工不安心干份内工作,却醉心于坐在编辑室里翻阅别人的手稿;女同志不是编织毛衣,就是辅导孩子学习外语;编委们丢下该审的稿件,整天三五成群聚在一起下棋,而出版社的权威人物社长是个忙忙碌碌的事务主义者。 在这个出版部门的芸芸众生中,唯有青年编辑索索在从事着他的事业。这位才华横溢的青年,在短短的时间里写出了一本命题为《蓝色的群山》或《天山》的小说。他满怀成功的喜悦,亲自将自己辛勤劳动的成果——小说稿,分送到出版社社长和全体编委们的手中,并希望他们尽快地审完稿,然后提交编委会讨论、定稿、出...

古怪的人 4


  Excellent surrealistic drama
  Thumbs up for this pure pearl of soviet Georgian cinema. Highly recommended and not only for Georgians but for any moviegoer - everybody finds something appealing in this wonderfully developed and very well done film.
  As for surrealism, it is exactly what makes to feel this film with its every bit: this surrealism is speaking on the language of ever...