"格鲁吉亚语" 共找到影视: 531 部

危险旅途的欢乐记事 2


拉明 1


  Ramin, aka Fantomas, an old freestyle wrestling champion, drives across Georgia in his car to pay a visit to his mother’s grave. During his trip he testifies to the creeping decadence of a sport that was once one of the most popular in the Caucasus. But this does not torment him at 75 as much as the lack of a constant female presence in his life. An epic and poetic film about t...

东北风 5


  “The disintegration of the Soviet Union is the greatest crime of the twentieth century.” This has been stated by Vladimir Putin on several occasions, and some residents of Gori strongly agree with him. In Stalin’s birthplace in Georgia, they dream about a return to the time when the dictator was firmly in control.
  These die-hard Stalinists are therefore shocked when city author...

边界线上的自画像 6


  Anna Dziapshipa was born of the union between an Abkhazian man and a Georgian woman. In Self-Portrait Along the Borderline, she skilfully weaves together unique archives and fragments to offer a personal and political biography of Georgia-Abkhazia relations. This vibrant exploration foregrounds a divided identity caught between the margins.

被抛弃的村庄 10


  At first there’s nothing but clouds. A cock crows, sheep bells ring, a herd of cows begins to move. The sounds seem to come from another age. When the morning mist clears, we recognize the outlines of an abandoned village. Decayed huts, broken fences, crooked roofs. The film looks like an oil painting, a still life painted in sometimes delicate, sometimes broad brushstrokes, ba...

生存指南 5


  Alexander’s transgender identity means he is obliged to lead a life of secrecy in his home country. Being identified as “female” in his passport means he cannot legally find work, either. Since even a visit to the doctor is a risk for him, he has begun hormone therapy to transition on his own with support from internet forums and the local transgender community. Desperate to es...

逐水移樗 4



乔治亚短路 5


  2003 弗罗里达州影展--最佳纪录片评审团大奖
  2003 加拿大国际纪录片展最热门票选--国际组最佳剧情纪录片
  2003 华盛顿州汤森港(Port Townsend)影展--最佳纪录片
  2003 德国柏林Ecomove影展--大奖
  2004 第五十三届柏林国际电影节CICAE特别提名奖
  2004 独立精神奖最佳纪录片入围
  美国/格鲁吉亚2003年保罗.戴佛伦(Paul Devlin)编导的纪录片,这是一部充斥了腐败、暗杀和街头暴力得奖佳作!!

斯文尼希亚的运盐 6


  Sol Svanetij (Salt for Svanetia) was made in 1929 about a remote Ukraine primitive Northern isolated area of the Ukraine where the people are poor, preyed upon and severely lack salt (animals lick blood, urine to find the precious commodity). Religion is one of the people's curses ... they donate their few coins to the Church that doesn't do much to relieve the populace sufferi...

铸铁 8


  20 min

格鲁吉亚老歌 9


  Under the premise of documenting for the sake of preservation the various forms of Georgian religious chanting, a distinct kind of sonorous psalmody passed over from generation to generation, what Otar Iosseliani captures in reality is the snapshot of a not-so-distant past that coexists with the world we might know yet transports us to what used to be.

格鲁吉亚商人 2


  塔姆塔·加布里奇兹(Tamta Gabrichidze)的纪录片《交易员》(The Trader)获得圣丹斯电影节大奖
  电影制作人塔姆塔·加布里奇兹(Tamta Gabrichidze)的纪录片《交易员》(the Trader)在周二的圣丹斯电影节(Sundance F ilm Festival)上获得了短片评委会大奖。

日落眩光 10


  An ambitious journalist and a talented director work together here to capture the singular character of a small town in Georgia in an alternative way. In her reports, the journalist slides from the minor and insignificant to the major and momentous with an ease that seems superficial; trailing her, the director manages to spotlight the lightness inside things of importance and ...

格鲁吉亚合唱艺术 2


  A documentary about the mysterious yet fascinating story of Georgian traditional folk chants and their protectors. As if they were dealing with the very Holy Grail, many unknown figures devoted their lives to maintain and share their folklore while enduring oppression first by the Tsarist era and then by the Bolsheviks. Two centuries have passed and it seems history finally has...

让一切都消失的机器 1
