"捷克语" 共找到影视: 2766 部

BohemiadoctaanebLabyrintsvetaalusthauzsrdce(Bozskákomedie) 1


  Egon Bondy prophesies an inferno of global capitalism, Jim ert admits to collaborating with the secret police, Jaroslav Foglar can’t find a bottle-opener for his beer, while Ivan Divi makes observations about his own funeral. Director Jií Krejík can’t make movies and has a go at Vachek in front of the camera instead. In mid-battle, Karel Vachek goes down on his knees before...

NovyHyperionanebVolnost,rovnost,bratrství 9


  A real and incomplete story, lived and played out by philosophers and heads of state and church, artists and party secretaries, scholars and ministers of the governments of the federation and republic, pensioners and prisoners, trades-unionists and civil servants, dissidents and the si-called "grey zone", preachers and armed men, radicals of the right and the left, both former ...

赫拉夫萨与宇宙塑料人 9


  The story of a band that shaped history against their will. It is an artistic documentary looking back at the more than thirty years the band has been around, but rather than focusing on its history the main focus is on the conflict between creative freedom and totalitarianism. Although The Plastic People never called themselves a political protest group they became one of the ...

会有云开时 4



寻找埃斯特尔 9


  128 min

太空漫游2 9


JanSaudek之旅 1


  扬·绍德克(Jan Saudek;1935年5月13日出生于布拉格),捷克艺术摄影师和画家,亦是世界著名摄影师。出身卑微的犹太人扬·绍德克,其艺术成就,在他的祖国——捷克斯洛伐克——很早就获得了认可。当他频繁在国内外举办摄影展并屡获国际大奖,只不过是后来的事。上个世纪70年代,他在所住的一间墙皮斑驳、充满霉味的地下室里,用他超凡的想象力,创作了有悖于当时纪实风格的一幅幅个性鲜明的摄影作品。经历战争、集中营、斯大林主义和贫苦生活的他,对其摄影图片进行手工着色和绘画处理,以写照他的梦想世界。他的作品大凡由斑驳的石膏墙壁衬托裸体或半裸体人物,背景也经常使用相同的元素——布拉格的查理大桥或阴霾密布的天空,但作品中丰乳肥臀女人和削瘦干瘪女童的成像不乏色情意味。影片尝试刻画这位捷克国宝级摄影大师的生活和工作。

地球与地球之间 6


  The film Earth to Earth captures one working day of a group of gravel workers at the Kaliák gravel pit and dredgers and cutters at the Paskov mine in North Moravia. The workers are shown in an expressive way in tense moments of work, and in a civilian way in moments of rest and return from work. The movie marked the beginning of Ewald Schorm's collaboration with cinematographe...

PSH永不落幕的故事 9


  Orion, Vladimir 518 and Mike Trafik are Peneri strycka Homeboye (a.k.a. PSH - Uncle Homeboy's Hoboes). Three lads from Prague, legendary rappers on the cusp of middle age, friends. It all started in the crazy nineties - graffiti, the first attempts at rap, parties, fame, booze and drugs. Sky-rocketing popularity (but well-earned), downfalls, crises and comebacks. And all this m...

爱的法律 2


  It starts off with a petition. If there are enough signatures in support of same-sex marriage, the Czech parliament will have to debate making it law. But getting people to sign was the easy part; this film’s remarkable story lies in how the fight continues for this group of dedicated and earnest activists. Barbora Chalupová’s film details every moment of their struggle and kee...

街角安妮 6


  Anny didn’t become a sex worker till she was 46, but since then, she’s kept returning to the streets of Prague, rain or shine, as cars pass by at a snail’s pace. Helena Tetíková’s film crew also kept returning to Anny in the years from 1996 to 2012. This is the modus operandi of the Czech director (star guest at IDFA in 2018): she follows ordinary people for years in what she...

斯维拉克与乌利什:共度五十载 6


  A documentary look back on half a century of collaboration between a popular author's duo ... In 2017, Zdeněk Svěrák and Jaroslav Uhlí celebrated the 50th anniversary of their collaboration, not only symbolically, but also with a pair of spectacular concerts at Prague's O2 Arena, where thousands of spectators came to listen to their songs. Immortal, almost popular songs like S...

捷克广告:资本主义的曙光 10


  How Czechs learned to love television advertising. Their crazy nineties, when commercials became a new phenomenon in Czech society, are remembered by their directors, creators, creatives and clients ... A solitary documentary about films that were short as a slap, but influenced the generation of today's thirties and the whole Czech post-revolutionary society. The documentary f...