"塞尔维亚语" 共找到影视: 379 部

人民的圣殿 9


  PALACE FOR THE PEOPLE tells the stories of the most emblematic five buildings of socialist times - highly representative for the epoch and witnessing the historical turbulence in Eastern Europe in the second half of the XX century. The National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Moscow State University, Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, Palace of Serbia in Belgrade, Palace of the...

马卡维耶夫事件:影院里的审判 9


  The Makavejev Case or Trial in a Movie Theater explores the position of an artist in the Socialist FR Yugoslavia, focusing on the political and social climate that used public platforms to condemn the film WR: Mysteries of the Organism, under the auspices of the Communist Party.

石头演讲者 4


  20世纪90年代波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那内战结束后,经济体制转向资本主义。然而直到今天,经济还没有真正起飞。因此,资源丰富的社区将自己重新命名为独特的旅游目的地,以促进经济增长。梅德朱戈里是一个国际朝圣圣地,据报道,孩子们在那里看到了圣母玛利亚。维塞格·安德烈(Visegrád)向作家伊沃·安德烈(Ivo Andri)致以敬意,他在附近新建了一片石碑建筑。当图兹拉贫瘠的盐矿停止产生收入时,当局把这些盆地变成了湖泊。据报道,在维索科,一座山丘隐藏着据说可以产生宇宙能量场的金字塔。Igor Drljaa用一台观测照相机显示了这些地方,用当地人的陈述将图像编辑在一起。他轻描淡写地评价了一个仍被过去所掩盖的社会。Kameni Govornici揭示了波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那作为一个仍在分裂中的国家的多民族身份危机-其居民试图获得立足点,不是通过事实,而是通过宗教...

不插电 6


  塞尔维亚传统的树叶吹奏正在慢慢消失。Vera 曾是村里的一名牡羊女,现在是一名退休的私家侦探。Pera 是一位掌握着许多秘传技能的百事通农夫,他们是这个国家最后的树叶吹奏手。两人虽都已入暮年却任然以树叶吹奏着独特的音乐。Josip 是一位乐器发明家,开始着手解码这种朦胧的艺术形式为 “不插电” , 一种存在于树叶上的音乐寓言,它和谐的在最原始的乐器上和最普世的音乐构思中发出声音,如此的不落俗套。

回首抗争七十年 9



好彩 2



深度二 9


  1999: While NATO was bombing Yugoslavia, a truck containing 53 dead bodies plunged into the Danube near the border with Romania. No enquiries were carried out. Previously, in Suva Reka, Kosovo: Serbian police herd villagers together. A woman experiences terrible things, bodies disappear into remote mass graves. People as little more than mere matter.
  Monstrous events, each and ...

教练佐兰和他的非洲之虎 2


  Sad story about newborn country of south Sudan and its efforts to catch up with the rest of the world. Story follows football coach Zoran who is trying to achieve certain success with national team consisted of non professional football players. With many outside and inside obstacles he is managing to get them to the African Cup.

好一个外国佬 10



瓦尔特 1


  上世纪70年代,前南斯拉夫文化代表团造访中国,宣传电影《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》。这部基于前南斯拉夫二战英雄:瓦尔特·佩里奇 (Vladimir Peri Valter)顽强抵抗纳粹侵略、并于萨拉热窝解放当天英勇牺牲的真人事迹所创作的故事片,在发行后迅速风靡全球40多个国家/地区,并在中国大陆取得了空前的影响。影片中主演瓦尔特的前南斯拉夫演员韦利米尔·巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇 (Velimir "Bata" ivojinovi),也由此成为新中国历史记忆中不可分割的一分子。中国民众视之为勇气和自由的新化身,其在荧幕上形象演绎,令英雄瓦尔特涅槃重生了。

不受保护的无辜者 6


  Innocence Unprotected is composed of footage of the 1941 film of the same name. Innocence Unprotected was originally filmed in 1941 under the title Nevinost bez zatite which was meant to be the first sound feature film made in Serbia.Nevinost bez zatite was made by the Yugoslav gymnast Dragoljub Aleksi, who wrote, produced, directed, and starred in the film. Nevinost bez za...

引力波谜案 10


  Viktor, a former employee of the developer company, leaves monotonous life and goes to rural areas of Serbia with the desire to find his peace and freedom.He is accompanied by his best friend, his dog Ares. Following a set of circumstances, he welcomes into his house Milica who researches ecological problems of the Tara Mountain. However, Milica is distanced, mysterious...

上校K.K突然英年早逝 6


  Whole movie is made out of only one cut. It shows how a command is twisted from the moment its was given by a colonel till the time it riches a regular trooper.

Koraci 6


  The story is following Ivan, a young boy who wants through a hooligan lifestyle to show his brother and others that he's grown up, but his actions create a cyclic problem that sucks in both him and his brother. He learns about the dark side of the world of grown-ups and the price that must be paid by him is paid by his older brother Aleksa at the end.

水气球 1


  A ten-year-old boy is spending the summer days in his hometown. Having no real friends, he is constantly exposed to violence and teasing from other boys. His younger brother is the only person who really cares about him, but that's not enough. Given the task to keep an eye on his younger brother, the boy struggles to find a place for himself.