"塞尔维亚语" 共找到影视: 379 部

南斯拉夫最后的国家队 6



没有审查机构的审查 7


  A profound insight into history of Yugoslav cinema through censorship perspective. How did famous anti-communist movies from Yugoslav time succeeded in being made and what consequences did they had to bear Film contains original interviews with most important dissident filmmakers from communist time, including Dus...

不结盟:拉布多维奇的胶片纪录 6


  In an unexplored vault in Belgrade, the capital of the former Yugoslavia, lies a collection of films known as “the Labudovi Reels.” On them are images of African and Asian liberation movements and revolutionary leaders that defined the era of the 1960s. How is it that the archive of these revolutions lies on another continent, forgotten in a film archive The answer to this qu...

Prizvanipozvan 1


  After 45 years of single-party communist rule in Serbia, political parties gained legal status in 1990, and the first multiparty elections in Serbian history were held. Four ex-presidential candidates, today’s misfits, bring back memories of the elections and relive that crucial event, not realizing that they played only supporting roles.

Legendabezpasoa 5


  An idiot for some, a genius for others. Zoran is an urban legend of a Serbian block of flats who allegedly travelled the whole world without a single ID on him. After that, he went nuts due to politics, war and MDMA. “I saw it with my own naked eye,” nodded a half-blind old man. Though a clear answer to the question who Zoran really was is not to be expected at the end of this ...

Bez 9


  After losing his dog, an eccentric artist from Belgrade embarks on a journey to look for his pet. Throughout his quest, we will get to know a number of strange characters. The filmmaker’s humorous approach opens up a dialogue about different philosophical questions related to art, representation, identity, nature, history, ethics and politics.

阿尼奥克斯 6


  The film depicts the lives of the two sole residents of an abandoned company town while unfolding a complex labour history and revealing the vestiges of environmental degradation. Combining large format cinematography and an inquiry into the archival record, it interlaces past and present.

撤军 5


  Over the past twenty years, thousands of young people were recruited in North Macedonia to work in the kitchens and laundries of the US military bases in Afghanistan and Iraq. Their wages were then invested by their families back home in the construction of small palaces and lucrative real estate. With the withdrawal of the last troops from Afghanistan in 2021, many of them ret...

萨瓦流淌的方向 4



迪达:我的顽童母亲 8



等待汉德克 6


  Peter Handke received the Nobel Prize for Literature in October 2019 in Stockholm. Having heard about it, Srdjan Petrovi – a winemaker from the Serbian village of Velika Hoa in Kosovo decided to place a commemorative plaque with an embossed portrait of Handke in his wine shop, that the famous writer had visited on a number of occasions. But is the winemaker aware that Handke’...

文艺工作者:三位一体 4


  Cultural Worker 3 in 1 is a documentary film about the role of the left-oriented independent cultural-artistic scene and cultural workers in the region of ex-Yugoslavia. Following the life and work of several characters in four cities of former Yugoslavia the film explores two issues – what it means to be a cultural worker in post-socialist contexts of Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb ...

归乡:玛莉娜与她的孩子 1


  “行为艺术教母”玛莉娜(Marina Abramovi)离乡南斯拉夫贝尔格勒40年,在世界各大城市表演都吸引百万人次观赏,都愿意排队等上数个小时,只为换来一对一的凝视关系。此次回乡苦乐参半,十年来聚集一群年轻艺术家,跟着她一起表演,英雄崇拜和渴望伴随着经验,继承她的灵魂与志业。

游击队电影:拉布多维奇的胶片纪录 6


  What do the Algerian war of liberation and Yugoslavia have in common Stevan Labudovi. In 1959, Tito himself sent his favourite cinematographer to Algeria. The resistance against the French colonial rule needed the eyes of the world, and the experienced partisan Labudovi helped open them: His images gave the lie to the propaganda of the occupiers and their Western allies. Thi...

接着夜晚降临 7

