"加泰罗尼亚语" 共找到影视: 482 部

约会第二季 4


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2016  

埃梅森达 9


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2011  

  2010年的迷你历史电视剧,以Ermessenda de Carcassona为原型。分2章,2011年3月21和22日在TV3台首播。 Laia Marull是主要演员。

安道尔·我在盖世太保之间 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2000  

  The story of the cooperation of the the French resistance, the people of Andorra and Catalunya in aiding the escape of the survivors of a RAF plane crash carrying essential information back to British Intelligence via Barcelona during the 2nd world war. The Torb is a fierce winter wind that blows through the mountain passes of Andorra between France and Spain. Based on true eve...

城市之心 8


  • 最新更新
  • 2000  

  El Cor de la Ciutat (英译名The Heart Of The City)是西班牙TVC电视台TV3频道自2000年9月11日开播的肥皂剧,每周播放5集,是TVC有史以来播放时间最长的连续剧。 据统计,迄今为止,在它的播放地区的收视率是当地大约一半居民,约80万收视,每季的结尾更达到100万以上,属于国民肥皂剧。每季的结尾,都会推出一部晚间特别篇 La Nit del Cor (The Night of the Heart). …

校园哲学家第三季 5


  • 已更新至14集
  • 2017  

  哲学教师墨林 (Merlí) 在课堂内外不拘一格,常常令墨守陈规的学院主任托尼 (Toni) 大为光火,却又让纠结于身份、家庭、情感与关系的学生们对哲学如痴如醉。

校园哲学家第二季 5


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2016  

  哲学教师墨林 (Merlí) 在课堂内外不拘一格,常常令墨守陈规的学院主任托尼 (Toni) 大为光火,却又让纠结于家庭、身份、关系与情感的学生们对哲学如痴如醉。

校园哲学家第一季 4


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2015  

  TV series about a high school philosophy teacher, Merlí, who teaches in an original way, and about the students of his class, including his own son, and the relationship, friendship, love, and problems between the students of the class.

童病相连第一季 2


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2011  

  Polseres vermelles (Eastern Catalan: [pulsez βrms], Western Catalan: [polseez vemees], Spanish: Pulseras rojas [pulseaz roxas]; literally "Red bracelets", known in English as The Red Band Society)[1] is a Catalan television show, created by Albert Espinosa. He and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois (ca).
  The show draw...

美味绝飨 2


  素有「厨界毕卡索」之称的西班牙国宝级烹饪大师费兰阿德利亚(Ferran Adria')所领军的斗牛犬餐厅,不但是米其林三星餐馆,更连续五年在世界排名第一,享有「地球上最富想像力的烹饪艺术」的讚誉!极具个性的费兰大厨,坚持每年餐馆仅开张半年,率40名一流厨师于休馆期间研发创新料理。

间谍嘉宝 6


  英国代号“嘉宝”,纳粹代号为“阿拉瑞克”的西班牙双料间谍璜·普吉·加西亚(Joan Pujol García)是历史上最神秘最成功的间谍之一。他一人分饰28角,凭空捏造出了一个完全不存在的世界谍网,用德国情报机构的资金支援了英国情报机构的发展和运营。在他的帮助下,盟军成功使纳粹将兵力重心放在了法国北部的加莱海峡地区,确保了1944年6月6日诺曼底登陆的成功。璜·普吉是唯一一位同时获得德国纳粹铁十字勋章和大英帝国勋章的人。二战结束后他神秘消失,据说死于非洲安哥拉。但这样一位杰出的谍中谍王,难道真的就从此消失了吗?

LosNegociadores 3


  "A journey into the conflict zones that are currently shaking our world"
  The Negotiators is a documentary that takes a reflective look at the identity and evolution of the people who seek solutions to armed conflicts in the 21st century.
  Using some of the world's most entrenched conflicts as a backdrop, we revisit their stories and discover, through the eyes of the negotiators,...

Materinerta 1


  Teresa works on a farm in the heart of the Catalan mountains, an environment threatened by the intensive exploitation of resources. The departure of her dog underscores the gradual disappearance of the links that the inhabitants maintain with this peaceful territory. Adrià Expòsit Goy creates a humanist fable haunted by ghosts.

Ulisses 8


  The odyssey of the world's largest captive killer whale.

全欧洲最危险的男人 5


  SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny became a legend in his own time. "Hitler's favorite commando" acquired a reputation as a man of daring, renowned for his audacious 1943 mission to extricate Mussolini from a mountain-top prison. Yet, he was also an egoist who stole other men's credit, an unrepentant Nazi, and a self-aggrandizing hogger of the limelight. This insightful docum...

光线垂直向下 2


  A rare work of art, a deeply personal, highly intimate account of a life affected by domestic violence. “When I left the island where I was born, it wasn’t a departure, it was an escape. Years later, I arrive on another island, a barren place that feels strangely familiar. I have come here for an encounter with a man. He says he is willing to expose the violence that he carries...