"加泰罗尼亚语" 共找到影视: 482 部

未来的事情 4


  Biel and Sara are 10 years old and are enjoying the last few days of summer. However, everything changes when in a game their friendship is put to the test. The world that Biel thought he had under control will break and from this...

泻湖 6


  Experimental short that recovers the figure of Neus Pipó, the filmmaker's mother, juxtaposing the reading of her letters with a journey through the spaces where she wrote them.

Unaombraeneljardí 5



Sitges-Nagasaki 4


  Izumi, a student at Nagasaki University, has become friends online with Magda, a girl from Sitges, Catalonia. When Magda invites her to visit, Izumi uses the occasion to practice the language and visit some tourist spots, but she also has another purpose-to fulfill a promise to her dying father, who long ago had fallen in love with a Catalan girl on his own trip to Barcelona. A...

Cuatroestaciones 6


  All it takes is picking up the phone, dialing a number, and in barely half an hour, you'll have a guy in a red outfit standing at your doorstep with a pizza in his hand. Who's that guy bringing us dinner to go with a SuperBowl or Champion's League soccer game on TV or the latest Blu-ray blockbuster In FOUR SEASONS, such a guy is Mario, a film geek, love addict and college drop...

Hosapelministre 5


命运之门 8


ThanksfortheTip 10


Lisístrata 3


Toscana 7


  With a boat full of sperm and on his way to the clinic where his wife is waiting for him to do an in vitro test, Santi crashes his scooter with a hit-and-run vehicle. Seeking help, he gets trapped in the Toscana restaurant where, at gunpoint, an ex-chef demands a severance pay from his owner.

纵欲狂欢 8


  故事大概讲一群闲极无聊的西班牙文艺小青年聚在一起搞个PARTY,结果搞来搞去终于搞出事情来了。全片大部分都是在一间公寓的封闭空间里拍一群青年男女的谈天说地,或者回忆童年的不幸,或者发泄对社会的不满、表达对政治的看法等等。这片最受争议的地方是2/3处有一段十来分钟长的NP GROUP SEX场面,大家各自脱了衣服全裸上阵,看得人心惊肉跳。据说是西班牙恢复民主之后在电影里首次出现如此暴露的戏,其实也就和70年代英法意那些国家经常拍的情色CULT片差不多,不会真正傻到当A片去看吧。

Heaviestendres 10


  Juanjo is an asthmatic boy who has been protected by his family to the point where it is suffocating. Miquel is growing up in a family with an absent father, whose mother tries to get by, but does not always succeed. A tale about Juanjo and Miquel's relationship, two teenage boys from Barcelona in 1991 who take refuge in their friendship and music to escape from the grey world ...

死去的马 2


  在一个未知的孤独之地,一场战争爆发了,一个孩子因此而被迫逃离。 途中他到处都看到了马匹的尸体,没有一只活马。为什么呢? 为什么马匹决定自杀呢?

飞行盘子 4
