"Russian" 共找到影视: 108 部

Dvaplyusdva 2


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2015  

  This lyric romance tells the love story between two mature people a teacher Alexandra (Mariya Kulikova) and a former pilot Evgeniy (Oleg Shtefanko).
  They are similar in their disappointment in family life, disorder in everyday life, and readiness to rush to help the weak and oppressed.
  They are charming, but often touchingly awkward, they both raise their children on their own:...

FromMoscowtoPietushki 10


圣彼得堡日记:柯静采夫的公寓 7


  The second film in the “Diary of St. Petersburg” documentary cycle is dedicated to the outstanding Soviet filmmaker Grigory Kosintsev, whose professional life was entirely devoted to the Lenfilm Studios. His flat is not far from the Studios in Vasiliev Brothers Street and in it now lives the late film-maker's widow. It is deserted, almost a museum, and comes across as a shelter...

TheFragileBalance:SergeiPolunin 5


  Poet and director Jem Goulding captures the inner truths of the restless Prince of dance, in an avant-garde documentary shot entirely on film by filmmaker herself. It is an intimate portrait of young Sergei Polunin, one of the most elusive yet revered figures in the history of Russian ballet. Polunin speaks openly and honestly with Goulding, stripping away some of the sensation...



  Brotherhood of Men is a tale about love and hate, family ties and loneliness, cruelty and forgiveness. It shows that even kinsfolk can be very implacable to each other. A father has to bring up his two sons alone. He tries to instill in them brotherly love, the ideas of forgiveness, fairness and mutual support. But it is not easy as these implacable boys have quite different ru...

Историялюбви,илиНовогоднийрозыгрыш 5


  Эта история произошла под Новый год. Молодой успешный бизнесмен Роман Инсаров, президент крупного московского банка, приезжает на открытие филиала в сибирский город. Кажется, что в жизни Романа все спланировано: работа и личная жизнь не преподносят сюрпризов. Но все резко меняется после встречи с симпатичной незнакомкой на заснеженной городской улице.
  Как это часто бывает, жизн...

唐·塞萨尔·德·巴赞 2



Tyap,Lyap-malyary! 3


  Мультфильм Гарри Бардина
  "Тяп,ляп - маляры" 1984г. "Союзмультфильм", пластилин, 9мин. 38сек
  Рассказывая о том, как пластилиновые герои Тяп и Ляп красят заводской забор, фильм высмеивает разгильдяев и бракоделов.
  Диплом МКФ в Оденсе (Дания) 1985г.

夜的第13小时 10


  乌克兰女导演Larisa Shepitko因为76年那部获柏林影展四项大奖的《升华》而闻名,不过在这部69年的电视电影中她所展现出的是完全不同的风格,色彩绚烂,拼贴剪辑,实验手法。。。这是一部将歌舞剧、话剧、流行音乐、纪录片片断、停格动画、杂技马戏等等众多元素融会一体的超现实电影,也是她所有作品中最独特的一部,尽管也许算不上最好,但对于喜欢CULT片的人来说这绝对称得上佳作。
  In The Thirteenth Hour Of The Night (V Trinadtsatom chasu nochi, USSR, 1969, col., 70 ', vo Italian with subtitles) Before vision tv
  Director: Larisa Sepitko
  Guests: Lev Kruglyi, Georgi Vits...

Ubiystvonatroikh 8


  The murder for three (From the series "Three friends in search of money and happiness") Katya, Zhanna and Irina are cheerful middle-aged friends. There are no secrets between them, they are used to trust each other and help with any problem. And these ladies do not have to look for trouble - trouble can find them by itself. Spending a weekend in sanatorium, the friends meet a y...

IfIsaBigWord 6


  Why does love die Why did it seem to you, before you met Him, that He was the only Prince Charming in the world, and now you cannot even remember your first date with Him Why is it that, when thinking of the past, you believe you have made a mistake and can only sigh sadly, "If only it would have..." It seems to the 35-year-old Yekaterina Kolesnikova that her life got on to ...

Клубсчастья 4


  Katya dreams to dance in the musical and comes to St. Petersburg to push the luck. She wants to achieve success in life, but the cruel world of show business doesn't accept the naive girl. By a lucky chance she manages to get a job the bartender in popular night club. Here Katya is waited by new acquaintances which will forever change her life. She will find the true friend, wi...

Веселыеребята;) 2


摇滚吧,扎伊采夫 5


  Aleksey Zaitsev is a professional showman.
  A restless agent and endless activities further
  and further separate him from his beloved.
  But the main problem is that he always lies
  to everyone. And once a showman ventures
  to experiment, after what he begins to tell
  only the truth.

Халиф-аист 3
