"Filipino | Tagalog" 共找到影视: 17 部

小島朝聖記 10


  This time, Tahimik journeys along the famous Philippines Guimaras island, he seems to follow a certain ritual by cutting long hair, drifting on the sea; That afternoon, he was sleeping on the beach leisurely, he visits half awake a dreamland. The Pilgrimage begins shortly.

SinonglumikhangyoyoSinonglumikhangmoonbuggy 8


  The yoyo was invented in the Philippines. The film takes place in an imaginary village in Bavaria, “Yodelburg”, where one says “yo” as a sign of approval. The weather up on those mountains is ideal for a major enterprise: to create the first Philippine space project by building a spaceship. With surprising dialogue and great tenderness, the film is a sweet play that touches the...

波萨斯 1


  Jess is a petty thief working the teeming streets around Quiapo Church. Finally caught for snatching a cell phone, he’s put through the system for the first time, and Fajardo proves rampant institutional corruption is often the root cause of life cycles like Jess.

讓我們看屋頂去 7


  "Every man needs to have a good roof!" Tahimik traveled all over the world, the thing grabs his attention most is how people around the world construct their roof. Tahimik’s definition of "Third World" is: how much one depends e...

給兒子的情書 2


  每一部塔西米克的電影基本上都是一封信,一封信的意思是,有作者、有信物與有信件的終點,這是他的電影之所以如此自由、如此獨樹一格的秘密。在這部給他3 個兒子的深情書寫中,他對自然、對己身文化和對家人的愛已融為一體。
  Every piece of Tahimik’s works can be regarded as a letter. It means that in each film one can distinguish the writer, the letter (film) itself and the destination. That’s the secret why his films are foremost free. In this film (letter) which he wrote to his three sons, h...

TheSuperParentalGuardians 10


  Shortly after the murder of his friend, a young gay man accepts guardianship of her two kids while her brother tracks down her killer.

乱弹 6


  Two security guards, one is the reliever of the other, have become good friends at the factory where they work. Boggs, who works the night shift, always brings breakfast for Tonyo, the day guard. Boggs is married to Andrea who dutifully prepares his packed food and patiently waits for him after the end of his shift. Unknown to Boggs, Andrea is actually having an affair with Ton...

RPGMetanoia 5


Máskara 10


大男孩 8


弗洛伦蒂娜 1


  As no other filmmaker, Lav Diaz is involved with the suffering of the people of the Philippines, with its history of colonialism, corruption and poverty. A philosophical drama about the psychological effects of injustice and arbitrariness. Two poor labourers leave the city looking for a treasure.
  Few filmmakers make films as long as those of Lav Diaz. Six hours is not even part...

Bisperas 5


  The Best Film and other 4 Awards winner in the Directors Showcase section (for veteran directors) at Cinemalaya 2011.

Tunaynaina 3


  Magdalena (Rosario Moreno) becomes pregnant because she was raped by Antonio (Exequiel Segovia). Before his death, her father (Precioso Palma) gives up the baby for adoption, thinking that no man can ever understand her past. Magdalena is engaged to Roberto (Rudy Concepcion), a decent, well-off young man. Haunted by her conscience, Magdalena writes Roberto a letter, admitting h...

TheNaturalPhenomenonofMadness 6


  It's hard to say exactly what triggers the split. One night they were having sex, he was taking her roughly and she wasn't enjoying it. (She later thought of it as a rape.) Next morning, as usual, he left without a word. That evening she decided to cut her hair very short, and threw him out. He needed her blood (he required regular transfusions and she shared his rare-ish blood...