"Armenian" 共找到影视: 108 部

Parajanov.TheLastCollage 7


亚美尼亚土地的颜色 6


  在这部16分钟的处女作中,导演米基哈尔·瓦塔诺夫 Mikhail Vartanov 实现了对亚美尼亚古代和现代艺术的印象式呈现。片中的主角是咱们的老朋友谢尔盖·帕拉杰诺夫(1973年入狱)和画家米纳斯 Minas Avetisyan(1975年遇刺),因此瓦塔诺夫自己也被列入黑名单。20年后,他的艺术自由才得以恢复。2012年,这部短片在釜山国际电影节<帕拉杰诺夫/瓦塔诺夫>回顾展上进行了43年来的首次公开放映。

回到阿拉拉特山 10



APortraitofArshile 3


Лицомкстене 2


Astghayinamar 8


通往舞台的路 9


  Despite his parents opposition, professor Yengibaryan's youngest son dreams of becoming clown and making people laugh. That's so simple, Leonid thinks. However, the director of the circus doesn't thinks so, but noticing Leonid's great abilities, takes him to the circus as a costumer. Leonid and stage-artist Irina fall in love, and Irina takes an active interest in his career.

开出租车的男人 3


  Vazgen, Sako, Suren and Aram are taxi drivers and close friends. When Aram fell in hopeless love with Karine, other three decide to help their friend.
  Edmond Keosayan (9 October 1936 - Moscow, 21 April 1994) was an Armenian Soviet film director and musician. 1952-54 - worked in Yerevan watch factory. 1954-56 - studied in Plekhanov Moscow Institute of Economy. 1956-58 - studied ...

士兵与大象 1


  二战时期,一个普通的亚美尼亚士兵接到一个任务,将一头大象从德国运到埃里温动物园。。。故事挺有意思,非一般的战争片,亚美尼亚著名演员Frunzik Mkrtchyan在片中有着出色的表演。
  Soldier Armenak is sent on an extraordinary assignment - to bring an elephant from Germany to the Yerevan Zoo. During fierce fighting in Germany in the midst of storming one of the mansions fighters was found ... elephant. Private Armenaku (Mkrtchyan) was ordered to remove the animal f...

Das 10


卡莫的功勋 2


  Последний фильм кинотрилогии о легендарном революционере рассказывает о том, как в 1922 году Чрезвычайной комиссией был раскрыт опасный военный заговор против молодой советской Армении…

亚美尼亚路漫漫 6


  When her father, Barsam, mysteriously disappears, Anna is deeply concerned. A doctor, she has just diagnosed that he has a serious heart condition, and may die unless he is treated soon. Picking up some clues that Barsam left behind, Anna flies off to Armenia, where her father was born. There, whilst looking for her lost father, she collects a diverse entourage, including a cha...

旷野之声 8


萨罗扬兄弟 6


  1920 год. Тяжелым и трагическим было это время для Армении. Авантюристическая политика дашнакского правительства несла армянскому народу угрозу полного уничтожения. Большевики, подпольный революционный комитет борются за установление в Армении советской власти. Борьба мировоззрений, идеологий раскрывается в фильме через образы двух братьев Сароянов. Старший, Гайк, большевик, по...

Ktormeyerkinq 5
