"科萨语" 共找到影视: 31 部

马赛行动 3



爱之针 3


  影片以三段相关艾滋病的故事组成:克拉拉Clara(克洛艾·塞维尼 饰)、希尔德Hilde(奥林匹娅·杜卡基斯 饰)和玛丽Mary(吴珊卓 饰)三名修女到南非为贫民作精神治疗,才得悉病毒肆虐情况如何严重;
  住在蒙特利尔的奥莉芙Olive(斯托卡德·钱宁 饰)经济上依靠儿子德尼Denys(肖恩·阿什莫尔 饰)的支持,走为了解决家庭困境而上色情演员之路的德尼是个艾滋病病毒携带者,他只有想方设法去继续工作;
  白衣天使金萍Jin Ping(刘玉玲 饰)来到中国设立捐血中心,揭发病毒真相——既有贫穷地区,也有发展中国家和发达国家的情况,但爱滋病与贫穷并不一定挂钩。

土壤记得什么 3


  Community elders use their collective wisdom, spirituality and patience to confront one of the many injustices of apartheid, in this energised portrayal of reconciliation.
  A vibrant and diverse community once flourished in these fertile South African lands. Today, its elders tell the story of how their people were uprooted to make way for Stellenbosch University, once the epice...

米利苏坦多 6


  Artist-turned-filmmaker Milisuthando Bongela offers up a personal and visually striking self-portrait of a life that grapples with the legacy of South Africa’s past.
  In her poetic debut feature documentary, Bongela takes us on a sensory journey, opening up a memory chest that explores the far-reaching consequences of Apartheid. Narrated in chapters by the filmmaker, she moves b...

ParallelLives 9


  Parallel Lives follows the stories of five people who were born on June 8, 1964, but under entirely different circumstances. From a radical personal perspective the film asks what we have gained and lost during the last half century - how utopias, dreams and the consciousness of the protagonists have changed against the backdrop of historic events.

魔镜魔镜 1


  Luthando is determined to explore her body sensually. However, her voyage of discovery threatens to fail between internet research, magazine tips and FaceTime. A coming-of-age comedy about female sensuality and self-determination.

ColdHarbour 5


达林的健身房 6


  A third-generation family gym finds itself in a David and Goliath type battle when a fitness conglomerate opens its flag-ship branch across the road from them.

特雷弗·诺亚:日行者2.0 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2010  

  Trevor Noah is The Daywalker. Now before you start searching Dictionary.com or browsing through your Anne Rice, Robert Pattinson or True Blood memory archives, you should know that it's his nickname, derived amongst his childhood friends. Trevor's father is Swiss, his mother is Xhosa... and it was just safer (and easier) for Trevor to be classified as 'Albino' living with his m...

缝冬吾肤 2


  故事发生在20世纪50年代的南非大卡鲁地区,这部史诗般的存在主义冒险电影记录了亡命之徒约翰·凯普(John Kepe)的丰功伟绩,以及他的各种行为所影响的个人。这个罗宾汉式的人物将主要从白人定居者农民那里偷走牲畜,对他们进行了十多年的恐吓。在强硬派博塔将军的带领下,一场巨大的搜捕行动随之展开,就在那座山里,有传言说科佩住在诺亚方舟般的山洞里。这一奇观迎合了处于边缘地位的当地居民的心——他们把凯普的恶行变成了传说,使他对殖民地社会构成了威胁。把冬天缝在我的皮肤上,是一段进入种族隔离前南非心脏地带的激动人心的歌剧之旅,也是对殖民流离失所的影响的一次发自肺腑的探索,殖民流离失所为历史上最恶毒的种族主义政治政权之一埋下了种子。

美国队长3 2


  • 已完结
  • 2016  

  美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)带领着全新组建的复仇者联盟,继续维护世界和平。然而,一次执行任务时联盟成员不小心造成大量平民伤亡,从而激发政治压力,**决定通过一套监管系统来管理和领导复仇者联盟。联盟内部因此分裂为两派:一方由史蒂夫· 罗杰斯领导,他主张维护成员自由,在免受**干扰的情况下保护世界;另一方则追随托尼·斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰),他令人意外地决定支持**的监管和责任制体系。神秘莫测的巴基(塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 Sebastian Stan 饰)似乎成为内战的关键人物……

Tshatsha 8


HomeAffairs 10


Unogumbe 8


  Unogmbe密切关注本杰明·布里顿(Benjamin Britten)的《野野野(Noye)的惊悚歌剧》(Fludde Opera)的情节,但将这一行动从中世纪的英国转移到了如今的南非,在那里,小镇的背景和贫穷是人类对人类不人道的一个显著隐喻。在xhosa演唱,带有中世纪英语字幕,完全为非洲乐器重新评分。诺耶现在是个女人,要对付一个醉酒的丈夫,把她的家人召集在一起,建造方舟,收集动物。这部歌剧是一个关于儿童的故事;然而,全球变暖的威胁及其后果使洪水看起来更接近现实,如果人类继续表现出不人道和对世界缺乏关心,这可能是一个合适的结局。

科皮斯的旅馆 2


  Two storylines involving artists in lockdown intersect in this South African drama about creativity, mindfulness and wellbeing. Jabu is an ambitious auteur plagued by demons, who accepts a place on the jury at a film festival in Johannesburg so he can be closer to his young son. He has been clean for months now, and is working on the side as part of the scriptwriting team for t...