"比哈尔语" 共找到影视: 3 部

看板人生 4


  Every year in India, on occasions of religious festivals, political elections and even banal events like politicians’ birthdays - vast numbers of posters go up in public places. These posters look absurdly identical - a splatter of primary colours, mugshots of devotees or politicians, and messaging devoted to the festival Gods or wishing their seniors a happy birthday. Now, in ...

微笑的苹吉 8


  萍吉(Pinki Kumari Sonkar)是一个出生在印度某偏僻贫穷村落里的5岁小女孩,这个拥有大大眼睛的天使却被唇裂所困扰。直到某天,社会工作者潘卡(Pankaj Kumar Singh)走进萍吉的生活。他带着小女孩来到位于Varanasi的医院,这里聚集着来自全国各地上千名唇裂症患者。他们在这里得到系统的检查和会诊,并最终通过唇修复手术得到了正常人的生活。这一切全部免费,对唇裂患者来说,有如天际传来的妙音……

AWinter’sElegy 4


  In the cast-off capital of Panipat in North India, the history of fabric is closely woven with that of its immigrants. A young textile worker recounts the city’s modern history, which was formerly known for the battles that altered the course of the history of South Asia. A Winter’s Elegy traces the memory of clothes and the desires of its makers.